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  1. Too old to become an LPN?

    I lost my job last month as a medical transcriptionist. Been doing that for 32 years! Transcription is a dying field--technology took over. At 52 I am seeking a new career also. Looking at pursuing LPN. It is a bit scary, but I am excited about ...
  2. LPN program in Grand Rapids MI

    Hi, Lovebug2885! There are many jobs for LPNs in the GR area. Currently on unemployment and will sell my house. Engaged to a man in Indy so I am now thinking I will seek schooling there. Everest will be a good alternative if you don't get accepted ...
  3. LPN program in Grand Rapids MI

    LOL...feeling much better about the age thing now! Thank you so much for the info! Wishing you the best!
  4. LPN program in Grand Rapids MI

    Thank you so much for your reply! Have you found a job yet? I have been working as a medical transcriptionist and they closed down our department. Technology has taken over, and transcription is a dying field. Looking to find a new career without...
  5. LPN Progam

    Thanks for the reply. I was previously a medical transcriptionist but our department took over and transcription is a dying field. Looking to stay in healthcare industry and thought LPN would be the way to go. Good luck to you ...
  6. LPN program in Grand Rapids MI

    Does anyone know of the LPN program through Everest in Grand Rapids, MI and if it is a good school of choice? Also I am having a difficult time finding out the tuition unless I make an appointment to go to the college and interview with them. Thank...
  7. LPN Progam

    I am looking for an LPN program in the Grand Rapids, MI area? All I find are the community college which has a 3 year wait list and Everest. Does anyone know of Everest? I cannot find any price on this school and if they are a good school of choic...