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About nuadvtur4oldjulie

Stay at home mom turn new rn grad

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  1. Health insurance for nurses

    watch this
  2. Health insurance for nurses

    We have family practitioners but as a women your primary physician would probably be an oby/gyn who will act as a gatekeeper or traffic director to refer you to a specialist as needed. For minor...
  3. Testing for the 5th time

    I used its written by ncsbn the same people that write the nclex test. check them out. good luck!
  4. Thinking About Starting Nursing School at age 50

    Hi I just graduated ADN May 2009 and I'm 48 soon to be 49. I say go for it! If you have the resources to stop working for 2=3 years and dedicate yourself to lots of hard work. And there seems to be at...
  5. sucking up has it's place. bring a snack nurses love pot luck !!! good luck.
  6. check out cerritos college, norwalk and saddleback college, mission
  7. welcome to nursing school....from what I hear there's at least one bully on every campus. I had a similar problem and found this website by bob sutton very useful...
  8. filing for bankruptcy is not the worst thing that can happen to you. ask the Donald he's done it lots. Its made for people like you who despite their best efforts cant seem to dig themselves out and...
  9. STILL don't have a job?? Vent here!

    "too confident" that's a good one! I don't know why they don't just say 'I don't like you' I had a clinical instructor who said I was 'too jovial' which I am not. whatever. let's just remember this...
  10. Failed NCLEX - study/answer tips?

    Sorry to hear about your setback. The same people who write the the NCLEX sell an online review course for 50-70 dollars. Way cheaper than kaplan. I loved the rationales given for the correct answers....
  11. New Grads and Temp Agencies

    I'm a new grad in so cal and out of desperation looked into temp agencies. They can't get off the phone with me fast enough when they find I have no experience. All for the best I suppose I need...