
punkydoodlesRN BSN, RN

Psych, OB-GYN

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All Content by punkydoodlesRN

  1. UTMB Spring 2012

    They will register you, the entire class will take all courses together. You will likely get a schedule during, or shortly before, orientation. Maybe see about purchasing books and scrubs. Make sure immunizations and background check are completed. E...
  2. What's the weirdest baby name?

    I had forgotten about this until my brother was attempting to get a passport last week and ran across his *original* bc... His name was spelled correctly on the form (my mom has a copy) but the office of vital stats turned Gordon into Gardun. I had t...
  3. Daylight Savings & Documentation

    The only time I've seen it as a problem is with q15m rounding sheets!! I didn't work this year, but last year, we had to add in extra times over in the side, otherwise, we would have been missing an entire hour of checks. I hate time change.
  4. Medication Error

    Where I work, I pull the next shift's meds, and mine are pulled as well... BUT BUT BUT!! They stay in their blister packs AND I still do my 3 checks before giving them. What the OP describes sounds very dangerous.
  5. UTMB Fall 2011 Applicants

    Congrats on your acceptance!! I don't understand UTMB's selection process, but I know it isn't in application order. I submitted my application 3 days before the deadline. Had a friend apply early, with almost identical scores, and not get in. They l...
  6. I hate group projects, and seriously dread the upcoming one because of that very reason. Only, there's 10 in our group and trying to get 10 people together isn't very easy. Getting on my nerves already!
  7. UTMB Spring 2012

    Probably because of the giant logistical headache, instead of fall/spring there will be summer/fall.
  8. Nursing School Must Haves??

    Two major things I couldn't live without - My laptop and my skyscape. I've never used index cards, just wasn't a method that worked for me. Oh, comfy shoes and a cute sweater for freezing cold lecture halls :)
  9. For Fun--Kudos 2 Me...The "toot your own horn" thread

    I was one of 7 A's on our last Adult I exam, and I took it with an horrific migraine, and narcs. I emailed a prof some paper work that my hubby helped create to help clinicals be a little easier and she loved it and asked permission to distribute t...
  10. Majority free time is spent with hubby and my two attention-craving monkeys. I kept my LVN job as PRN, so I work one - two nights per month. Before I became a student again, I owned my own photography business. I still photograph a few of my favorite...
  11. that test was *not* hard, seriously. Have no clue how we had so many D's and F's. And yes, I actually did *ace* it, thanks for asking on my wall and forcing me to delete it. OMG, how many times do we have to go through this? I don't discuss my grade...
  12. What would you rather do than go into work this weekend?

    Not a lover of my job, but haven't been able to find something else while being a student again, so really, doing ANYTHING sounds better than going in to work. I'd seriously rather scrub toilets, match socks, write a care plan, or study for patho tha...
  13. UTMB Spring 2012

    Congrats on both acceptances! Really, this decision is going to be one that only *you* can make. Just need to sit down and make a list of pros & cons of both schools and see which one has most pros & least cons. Look at costs, transportation,...
  14. UTMB Spring 2012

    Oh I would be fuming mad, they can really have their crap screwed up. I hope you are #1 on the list and get in!!! I know a good handful that got in during orientation!! I'll say a prayer for you tonight!! Hang in there. And Yes, people, call call cal...
  15. Need Advice!!! RN or LVN!? Pls read, very complex situation!

    Honestly, you have to follow your heart. I did LVN first, and now that I'm in a BSN program, my employer is footing some of the bill. Of course, that path isn't for everyone, but it's been the been the best for my family.
  16. Need Advice!!! RN or LVN!? Pls read, very complex situation!

    Wow!!! :eek: Mine was less than 6K. Yah, don't do LVN for 20K - that's insane!
  17. Inside a Surgical Device Kickback Scheme

    That whole thing blows my mind, but I simply don't see how you die in a fast food drive-thru???
  18. UTMB Spring 2012

    Take patho as your science elective, promise it will help when you get to parho/pharm!!
  19. UTMB Spring 2012

    Depends, changes every semester. I have class every w/th. Clinical is every other m/t. On weeks I'm not in clinical, I'm on campus at lab. Check off days are 30 min long. Every Fri is off. Some clinicals are m/f, f/s or just sat every week.
  20. UTMB Spring 2012

    9-3. Depends on where you're coming from, but 45 is clear both ways, at least from 2351 and down. The ones that travel from mid-town say it can get a little congested around 610, but its not bad since you're going opposite of traffic both ways.
  21. UTMB Spring 2012

    I have many classmates who do this. There is no traffic, and it's a great time to listen to recorded lectures again. I play them back through my speakers from my ipod. My friends that carpool use the time to quiz each others on mornings we have exams...
  22. UTMB Spring 2012

    joining that group will be in your benefit! It will become a life-line your first semester!!
  23. Stethoscope cover - the fabric ones....

    I'm beginning to think that maybe my opinion is in the minority, so I was wondering what other nurses thought... The one's like this - http://img2.etsystatic.com/il_570xN.270800138.jpg Hoping for a few more
  24. Stethoscope cover - the fabric ones....

    Thanks!! I think they are germy and not great ideas - I don't even wear my scrubs in my house and I don't have a ton of pt-to-scrub contact, just like I wouldn't with the cover. I just have a few people pushing these on me (I make a different way to ...
  25. Start in Postpartum or L&D?

    As a PPU Nurse... This. Exactly. My ultimate goal is L&D, high risk, which is why I've going back for my BSN (currently a LVN). There's nothing wrong with starting in pp if that is where the first door opens!