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About dozndawg

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  1. Amazing feeling!

  2. What you had to give up for NS

    3 words: A NORMAL
  3. Heparin injections ?????

    According to Davis's Drug Guide: "Do not adminster IM because of danger of hematoma formation." And if I were to add to this...If we think about the blood vessels in the muscle
  4. Thank YOU!!!

    I want to thank everyone too! This is the best group of people on the Internet, HANDS DOWN!!! I refer everyone in my program to
  5. Ok after sifting through all this racial-religious-political mumbo-jumbo. I thought I would add try IRSC IN FORT PIERCE. If you need more info about the program PM
  6. Hopelessness r/t nursing school

    hopelessness R/T nursing school AEB my social life is falling
  7. Pharmacology

    I know someone who went to medical school and wallpapered their handwritten drugs and their properties. That's my plan too, for
  8. worried..

    This is my honest my school if you were not the top of each pre-req class then you if you made it on the program struggle from day one usually not making it past the first semester. Now...
  9. Sleeping Habits

    "Sleeping! There's no sleeping in nursing school". All the other suggestions especially exercise in the AM help incredibly. And best of all, nursing books in bed, knock out all students where they...
  10. What specialty do you want and not want to work in?

    ED, Trauma, Trauma Hawk...never ever LTC or the "babies" (they scare the poop out of
  11. How much is school costing you?

    ZERO ZILCH NIL NADA as of yesterday and five hours of paper work I received a grant in Florida from a non profit organinazation called workforce solutions. Yeah! Hope you all give it a
  12. C Grade in Lower Level Math Class, Will it Hurt?

    As is with most nursing programs they are much harder than you core courses all of my fellow students were the top of their class with grades and now some of them are struggling to pass with the...
  13. one more thing to anyone taking advice from here or anywhere! There is no such thing as good nor bad advice it's all opinions from someone else's perspective...only you can make those
  14. Hiddencat: it was not to say... Don't follow your dreams, but to learn new things can change your dreams especially when someone else is paying. Of course I could have been a rockstar if I wanted was...
  15. You can't learn to to nursing but you may find a very good reason for becoming a nurse. There may be an area that you really like or may be passionate about. Nursing is a diverse ever changing field...