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All Content by Jade8626

  1. I am in the middle of taking a course in Human Physiology at my local community college. At this point, I have passed the time to drop the class with a W and I've been thinking that I'm not sure if I want to take a C in this class. Our professor is h...
  2. Retaking Physiology and accept an F?

    Hi - Thanks for the reply! I did some further research and found this listed in the grading policy for the college I am attending: Academic Renewal by Course Repetition Each course in which an unsatisfactory grade ("D," "F," or "NP") has been earned ...
  3. I have come to a decision after a few months of mulling over my options in regards to pursuing a nursing career. I have worked for the past two years in an office job, it's high stress environment at times since we have deadlines. Due to the economy,...
  4. Leaving office job to pursue nursing career

    I wanted to comment on how you stated that you want to go into nursing because you do not want the stress of your current office job, with deadlines etc. Well, I am sorry to say that nursing is 10 times more stressful and deadline driven than the wor...