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All Content by Sunflower418

  1. Students: What college has the best courses for nurses?

    merrywhiterose, I know you posted this foreeever ago, but I'm hoping you'll still get the notification for it. I've seen on a couple of your posts where you are going (or went, if you have graduated) to Lincoln Unv. on Fort Leonard Wood. I'm consid...
  2. Pre-Nursing Nurse Camp!!!!!

    I wonder if Vegas2009 knows that "Scrubs" is also a television show based on a hospital and it's doctors, nurses, and other employees. And TECHNICALLY, Vegas2009, that song was entitled "No Scrubs." :) Good for you PatMac10! Most people have no id...
  3. Military many questions

    Courtney3908, Can you tell me a little bit about Lincoln University? I'm considering it, but don't have a lot of information on it. Is it a good school, as far as teaching, what you are learning, etc.? I would love to hear more about it. If you w...
  4. Military many questions

    My husband and I are stationed at Fort Leonard Wood right now. Do you think you will be living on base or off? For education on the post, check out the Truman Education Center. They have a satellite program from Lincoln University that is solely fo...
  5. LCGrace, What order did you decide to take the science classes? The way it sounds and from your profile, I think I know what school you are talking about and I am thinking of applying there as well to finish up the science pre-reqs and get into thei...
  6. Getting Started?

    Since you're a military wife, do you live on/near a post? If so, you can go to the Education Center on the post and get some information. I know that our Ed Center on the post has several different colleges inside of it, one of them being a nursing...
  7. Schools offering Spring Admission?

    I'm living in Missouri, and I think they have spring admissions. I'm actually applying to a satellite school on Fort Leonard Wood and they let you start in spring, but I think the actual school (Lincoln University) does as well. Not totally sure, b...