
mamamerlee LPN

home health, dialysis, others

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All Content by mamamerlee

  1. Help with Braden Scale

    Of course the clients with neuropathy will score higher, and that puts them at a higher risk. Be sure to put 'direct observation of feet & legs' as often as you feel necessary.
  2. Does her family know how sick she is?

    In this case, the doctor. Unless he specifically asked you to talk to them, this was his place.
  3. HIPAA Compliance- posting patient names on assignment board

    The question here is whether or not these boards are easily visible to anyone just passing by. If they are, then they fall under the HIPAA guidelines. Personally, I think it starts to get a little crazy at times.
  4. Can I just say that from personal experience...

    I am so, so sorry for you, but pleased that you state you had wonderful care. Just today there was an article about Manute Bol (former NBA player) who died from kidney problems and SJS which developed from a medication. Take care, and best wishes.
  5. Calling for help!

    Who are you, and why are you asking this question? I am curious.
  6. How to handle inappropriate comments

    If you smell good due to nice-smelling bath oils or colognes, then the appropriate answer is 'Thank you', nothing more. As for truly sexually-charged remarks, it depends on the scene. Keeping in mind that many men who are ill are trying to make you ...
  7. APAP Supp?

    Whereas I agree that many questions put forth here can be easily googled, and have stated as much a few times, I also think that this back and forth stuff is sort of silly.
  8. I've been hospitalized twice in the past year, and I can guarantee that NO ONE did a total skin assessment on me! I am 58, and diabetic, and was in for CAD - received 2 stents each time. And I have some issues with my lower legs and my left heel. I...
  9. I stopped asking how much they drink, and started asking if they drink a case of beer every day, or 2 fifths of whatever liquor. amost would have to stop for just a minute and answer with '2 cases in about 2-3 days', or 'one and a half bottles every...
  10. Such a thing as too much experience...

    It's all about the $$$$.
  11. Additional Duties As Assigned....

    A JOB JAR? Good grief! In most places, pumps of all kinds were sent back to Supply for cleaning and maintainence. I wouldn't want housekeepers to touch those. That being said, I lost my last really good job because I spoke up at a meeting in protes...
  12. Menstrual talks, tampons/pads the only option?

    1. As stated by others, it is not usually the school nurse who gives these talks. However, I was a school nurse for a short time, and one of the girls who was 'too young' ( in a grade below the one getting the info ) started her period at school. Luc...
  13. Nurses, Interview Your Prospective Manager!

    I once took a job on a med/med-psych unit (not a choice I may have made otherwise) because the manager was so dynamic that I knew she would be great to work for. And she was. I was there about 11 months when she took another position in the same hos...
  14. As a nurse, what do you do?

    We really cannot give you much help with this situation. Too many variables, too many unknowns. You did what you could, and saw that she was somewhat better. Thank you for helping her! Best wishes in nursing school.
  15. Best HH GPS?

    I am an old-school type, and learned how to read maps, and map out my day! I rarely got lost because I also confirmed anthing strange with the clients. But I am also an up-to-date type, and I have recently started to use the GPS system that is in m...
  16. Cats in the the facility

    BabyLady - - I developed a sensitivity to the scrub solution we used in the NICU where I worked (back in the Jurassic Era), and the facility provided me with something I could tolerate. Your facility should do that for you - things may get worse. Bu...
  17. I feel so incompetent

    You are not a lousy nurse, or you wouldn't care so much about these things. It's impossible to know everything about everyone, so don't even try! Why not make a 'When you call the Doc' card, as a resource to help remember what you need to tell the D...
  18. Cats in the the facility

    More amd more facilities are getting small animals - there have been numerous stories on TV about how some of them become very sensitive to patients who are actively dying - like the last 12-24 hours. For some reason, there doesn't seem to be as much...
  19. my first homehealth pt admission

    Determine Homebound status first, if the patient is on Medicare. I have done entire admissions, only to find out that the pt was the primary driver, and planned on going to the supermarket when I was finished!!! Or the entire family goes to BINGO ev...
  20. an inquiry.. :D

    Why not call the Canadian embassy?
  21. There are many stories of nurses marrying former patients, or spouses of deceased patients. But proceed with much caution. This has little to do with your license, more to do with your personal well-being.
  22. Can someone please explain this ECG statement?

    Only 2-3 leads are involved in any one particuler view. If you drew triangles involving 10 leads, you would get more than 12. Some are reverse views of the same lead. Do you have a good book on EKGs?
  23. Unsafe environment

    Call both the BON and the BOH.
  24. Do nurses at your LTC facility text the docs?

    There absolutely MUST be a policy about this practice. It just blows my mind!
  25. Cost for Nursing School???

    Why haven't you asked them? I'm sure they'll be happy to provide you with all the info you need. And most of us can read normal-size type......even if we need glasses!