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About PinkRocksLikeMe

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  1. Texting while doing patient care?

    OK, this is totally UNACCEPTABLE and taking a picture because you don't have a pen?? That just screams unproffesional! I have to admit one day my watch stop working and I pulled my phone out to use...
  2. Will they hold my first career against me?

    No girl, your
  3. What is the hardest course you have ever taken and why?

    CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY Did I say Chemistry? LOL I LOVED pysch and I have made awesome grades, then hit chem like a brick wall, having to take class
  4. What can they do?

    The only med I see that is label to treat bi-polar is Seroquel if I am not mistaken, I am not a nurse but a EMT, so please educate me if I am wrong. Tney are probably talking about xanax and ambien...
  5. SWFl RN Looking For Help

    "TSH"....Ok can you tell I am tired LOL...I meant THC....I don't think they are worried about your thyroid right this
  6. Don't you hate those bad IV days?

    Sorry I just ASSumed and you know what they say about
  7. Medication error scenario

    I would say since it is YOUR responsibility to do the 5 rights it is every single nurse that gave the wrong
  8. SWFl RN Looking For Help

    Also wanted to say this, I dont know anything about hair follicle testing but can it tell WHEN you took the percocet, if so I would ask them to review that to see that you did not have it in your...
  9. SWFl RN Looking For Help

    You will get a job, I will keep you in my prayers about this situation. The only thing I can add is maybe the TSH wasn't the biggest issue but the percocet was. You said they were going off a claim...
  10. Don't you hate those bad IV days?

    Ok girlie, Stop the beating up of yourself!! We ALL have these days. This is what happens to me, if O have IV sticks that do not go well in the 1st hour or so of my shift, the rest of my entire...
  11. Nursing Student with a Drug Addiction

    Stay out of it.
  12. First Med Error Blues...

    Oh honey, bless your heart. You did what you were told to do by the senior nurse and the doctor. I would just document everything and how it played out for yourself and know all nurses make med...
  13. First of all I want to say I am so sorry to you for what you are dealing with in your home. I am going through the same thing and it is hard to come to work acting like everything is OK when you are...
  14. Oh boy. Let go from job... not sure if this is it. :(

    I am so sorry you got let go from your job but I wanted to say the most disturbing thing about your post is that your husband saying you are not cut out to be a RN, what inda crap is that?? I hope you...
  15. Well, maybe nursing is not my calling for now..

    You could appeal it I would