
BettyGirard BSN

School Nurse

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All Content by BettyGirard

  1. Catheter Change Question (May seem stupid!)

    Yeah, we give general care instructions telling them to seek help in a variety of conditions including no urine flow. I hadn't thought of squeezing the kid to see if I could start the flow ? Maybe, I'll offer some water or other drinks as a prec...
  2. Catheter Change Question (May seem stupid!)

    Yeah, I ran into this same concern last year. In my prior experience, I had placed and removed foleys but never was in the position of replacing one until then. I'm usually not that rushed that I don't see urine start to flow again. I always t...
  3. 504 Madness

    I'm not involved with IEPs and 504s UNLESS there is some "in building" medical reason (i.e., the student needs treatment, etc.). Our district "exceptional student" (formerly special ed) has their own RN who handles such things.
  4. Forgery,

    Well now that I'm home, have eaten, and had a glass of wine, I'm finally calmed down. I'm mad at one of the students (a bit), and very much angry at myself. It the past, I thought I was always pretty good at spotting forged notes, etc... If a ki...
  5. Forgery,

    Parent was OK after she figured out what I was talking about. I reported it to my superior (the district student health admin, not the school admin) as it was technically an issue that I went ahead without a real consent. Hopefully, that is the...
  6. Are we done yet???

    I'm home finally. Three of the kids that I needed to see at the end of the day got in early but the last one started home on the bus forgetting that he needed to see me. Really? His mom brought him back.
  7. TODAY!!!!!

    Just taking a moment with a couple of cookies and some (non-alcoholic) eggnog courtesy of one of the office secretaries. This calendar year is officially over at 2:30, though I'll probably be here a bit longer. I've got four students coming in ...
  8. Uniforms

    Nope, told them that clothing is outside the scope of health services. I told the AP that I could hand out examination gowns if he wanted the students to wear those. I think he was seriously considering the idea.
  9. 24 hour vomit rule

    One of the first grade teachers I used to work with referred to her students as her "little disease vectors." Yeah, wash your hands a lot.
  10. School Nurses During the Holiday

    Actually, it's eerily quiet in my office this morning. Perhaps it's the tryptophan in all the turkey leftovers. I had three students in before the bell this morning to have caths placed, but I expected those. Crossing my fingers. Twenty ...
  11. Enjoy your Thanksgiving

    We don't get off except Thursday and Friday. I really wish we'd get Wednesday off, but that's what it is. My sister is coming in so I'm hoping to rush out with the students to get her from the airport. Hopefully, the three kids I've got coming ...
  12. Bathroom Breaks

    Yep, "can you wait five minutes until the bell rings" is an acceptable answer (if you let the student leave if the answer is no). We've had issues with students who show up in class and then immediately ask for a pass. This I can understand is pro...
  13. Bathroom Breaks

    Definitely, need the administrator to intervene. Even if there is a problem with excessive absences from classes, this is not the appropriate intervention!
  14. Administer OTC medications or No?

    Years ago we had a special form for Acetaminophen only that the parents could sign. That went by the wayside. Anything we administer now, OTC or prescription, needs the regular med authorization.
  15. Meyers Brigg, Have you done it?

  16. What Is Your Most Gross, Yucky, Disgusting Nursing Horror Story?

    Oh, no, not a fellow student. Never did that (I did let a fellow student do a blood draw on me once as she had never had a chance to do so yet). It was a student attending the high school I work at.
  17. If you DO NOT teach health classes at your school

    Health classes are part of our PE curriculum and those teachers handle it.
  18. Rules for the School Nurse's Office

    Don't know what number we are up to but: Mr. Asst. Principal, I am not the potty police. If you think a kid is abusing hall passes, you can escort him to the toilet. I've got enough kids with legitimate toileting problems rather than your disc...
  19. Tattoos in the workplace

    Alas, unless you're a Maori where it's considered religious, having tats doesn't put you in a protected class. In most places, people are allowed to discriminate against you. Despite arguing it's "socially acceptable" these days, the answer is th...
  20. What Is Your Most Gross, Yucky, Disgusting Nursing Horror Story?

    I guess mine sounds tame compared to most. I've got a hold of a student's penis and about to insert a foley with my other hand when he decides at that point to urinate. Hit me straight in the face. I should have just squeezed the flow off I g...
  21. Foley Catheter

    Not a hospice here, but on the few students that I have that have them in that long, I change every four weeks. We never irrigate.
  22. Foley placement

    Well, I did three foley inserts yesterday (two males and a female) and made sure I advanced far enough. Hopefully, that gets me off the hook for a few weeks (I have four students who have them continually, one the parents had already had their ow...
  23. Who is back already?

    Today was the first day for students. It's now well into second period and my office is eerily quiet. Spent all of the pre-bell and homeroom time receiving meds and such and took most of first period to get everything logged and put away. Now...
  24. High School Nurses how do you....

    Yes, let parents know. After a consult, we may "turf" the student back to class.
  25. Who is back already?

    I go back officially on Monday. The kids start on Wednesday. Seems like we just got out a couple of weeks ago. I am in today to setup a few appointments with students I need to see before Wednesday. Of course, they want to wait as long as possible, b...