
BettyGirard BSN

School Nurse

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All Content by BettyGirard

  1. Foley pain

    Yes, I started doing more research when I got several students that were on a long term basis (prior to that the typical duration was two weeks).
  2. Foley pain

    While there can be urethral trauma associated with repeated intermittent cathings, I suspect the benefit is that they're out more than their in. Foreign bodies inside the body are typically prolonged irritants and holding bacteria in place no matte...
  3. Foley pain

    I agree with Forest. In our situation, when a student complains of "bladder" pain they often mean urethral pain. Silicone and smaller does go a long way there.
  4. Fun end of year complaints

    I get a bunch of "I'm cold" complaints this time of year (the building is air-conditioned). I suggest that despite the temperatures outside, they may consider more than the minimal amount of clothing allowed by the dress code.
  5. Does size matter (Gloves nurses, gloves!)

    That is so wrong. A stethoscope, perhaps. But gloves and other protected clothing are required to be provided (see earlier posts of the regs).
  6. Take Away Envelope/Containers

    Yes, our local sheriff's office and a few other county locations med disposal boxes.
  7. Does size matter (Gloves nurses, gloves!)

    Yeah, I have the same problem with the foley trays. My hands are too big for those gloves (what are they XS? I'm not that big). Gloves are cheap, even the individually wrapped sterile ones aren't expensive enough to think twice about keeping th...
  8. drug exposure symptoms??

    Just because you heard information from another person doesn't absolve you from making a mandatory report (at least not in my state), and mandatory reporters face protections over what arises from those reports.
  9. drug exposure symptoms??

    Doesn't sound like meth exposure, but often meth users have other stuff going on (like marijuana use). It might be withdrawal symptoms though. Alas, this would fit into my opinion of a mandatory report (yes and as Biscuit says, full exam and writ...
  10. Self Cath Resources???

    Those were the ones I was thinking about. Google failed me ? It's been a while since I had the elementary kids.
  11. Multiple schools

    It doesn't work. All it means is they've dumped health paperwork for five schools on you without you being able to provide anything approximating a reasonable level of care. (just my opinion).
  12. Self Cath Resources???

    I've not seen a student needing cath assistance for a while being in high school, but I certainly remember a few when I was in an elementary building. We endeavored to have subs but I told the student and the office and the parents that if there w...
  13. Self Cath Resources???

    There were some comic books...somewhere... hold on. Clean Intermittent Catheterization for Girls.pdf (other activities and videos on the same site).
  14. Do you do a countdown to end of school?

    33 days and counting! I numbered the days on my calendar. A couple of my regulars look at my calendar each time they come in to get the number.
  15. Looking up patients on Facebook

    I'd not do it. I don't know if Facebook could associate me with the patient or not. Even if it wasn't a HIPAA violation, I'd certainly not want it known that I was doing it to my employer. Those are often firing offenses.
  16. Countdown to Spring Break.....

    Cath, April, not Caff. I took out there catheters so they could enjoy their vacation. I've got to put them back on Monday (and have one more girl who has been added for the next two weeks starting Monday).
  17. Foley catheter: Is a small amount of leaking when sitting normal?

    In addition to the balloon placement already mentioned, check the tubing itself. As you were told by others any blockage due to kinking or anything else can cause the bypassing. Also with somewhat active patients, when the catheter isn't secure...
  18. Countdown to Spring Break.....

    My three decaths showed up promptly so I was out by 3:30. Off to St. Pete!
  19. Countdown to Spring Break.....

    Today's the last day before spring break. I just counted the calendar and we go 34 days straight (except for Memorial Day) after we come back. Planning on visiting my sister over the break. Hope, I can make a speedy departure today at dismissa...
  20. Trouble with acute care after school nursing?

    Skills are skills. Each nursing specialty has different skills. Working in the ER is different from working in the PICU or a burn center. School nursing is no different. I do more medical history stuff as a school nurse then I ever did worki...
  21. First visit after spring break

    In the past when we spring break ended at Easter, I'd get a few kid who had too much chocolate and jelly beans on Monday (and that was elementary school). I know the first kids in the door on Tuesday this time will be my three who will need their cat...
  22. I need my instructor

    Certainly, ask for clarification. Some students are just shy that way. Others are like you and would jump at the opportunity to learn a skill they hadn't done. I still remember one of my clinical rotations in the ER late one night having a doc...
  23. Sub Notes

    My usual sub is someone who is already in the district so she's familiar with the school. As with others, I have a "sub folder" with the scheduled visitors (diabetics, etc... ). I try not to be out on the days we have real issues but it happens ...
  24. Typical schedule.

    Officially, I'm not on the clock other than when the children are in the building, meaning 20 mins before the homeroom bell until ten minutes after dismissal. I try to keep it to that unless I've got a kid with me, or a parent has made arrangement...
  25. Catheter Change Question (May seem stupid!)

    You've lost me. All the urine between the clamp and the bladder end of the catheter will come out with the catheter. You don't want to reflux urine into the bladder.