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About dannyc12

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  1. Male Chest Hair and Scrub Tops

    I think scrubs demand a T shirt or other undergarment for both sexes. If a hairy chested guy goes t-shirtless (or wears a wifebeater), then gold chains and a Media mustache should be mandatory...
  2. Nursing or Accounting.. Please help me decide.

    In addition to a couple of glaring misconceptions about nursing, you appear to be motivated almost exclusively external factors. The only items you displayed any passion over were computers and...
  3. I don't regret it for a split second. PS: My biggest headache in nursing school thus far has been whiny
  4. about what % of CNA's have back injuries?

    I find I never get hurt with the heavy ones. I use the equipment and get the help. It's the little ones that get me! Especially younger male hemiplegics. You have them on the edge of bed or...
  5. If you need help from the person training you, be very specific regarding what you need. You could say, "Please show me how to do x" or "Please take a look at patient y, I am concerned about z." She...

    Whether it is discriminating or not has nothing to do with whether it is
  7. about what % of CNA's have back injuries?

    The injury rate is somewhere between 99.5% and 100% Studies show that body mechanics is not a primary factor in back injury rates. No amount of body mechanics is going to allow a 115 pound person to...
  8. Depression and anxiety appear to have been prerequisites for my nursing
  9. I'll get back to you after I check the State Practice Acts governing obnoxiously smelly
  10. Smells are a part of patient assessment. Your dentist is a goofball. Why do you feel sorry for your
  11. CNA's want to share salary info?

    You may - North
  12. Cna Mad About Write Up Now Making Allegations!

    Sounds exactly like life at my old facility. CNAs who think they run the place and don't have to listen to anyone. The hell of it is - they are right. They do run the place and are accountable to...
  13. What are the pre-nursing classes like?

    Physiology and Microbiology are widely considered the most challenging prerequisites for nursing school. If you work hard and spend the time, you should be able to do very well in them. (You need to...
  14. Home Care Aides: Stay busy?

    This sounds like some very good feedback for your case managers (not your fellow HHAs). You should be documenting on your visit notes what you did and how you spent your time in the home. Your notes...
  15. I think we need a forum addressing the need for professional conduct while leaving a job. I gave a two week notice when I was a