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About SaraFL

Hoping to start nursing school Summer 2010!

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  1. I think that would be in approx 2-3 years from now MissIt, LOL. I have to finish my ASN, then transfer to the uni for the BSN, then it's like the 3rd or 4th semester I think. I don't know if I can...
  2. Just wanted to add, my grades are good, so that's not a problem. I read things about immunization clinics, breastfeeding support, WIC, education, disease prevention, and those things appeal to me....
  3. Gosh I hope so, because right now I'm strongly considering quitting and just pursuing public health (non-nursing) or OT or anything else. I hate the paperwork, but I guess any job will have that. I...
  4. Accepted FSCJ Summer 2010 Students

    I'll send you a
  5. Accepted FSCJ Summer 2010 Students

    The HESI we just took today - what did we need to make on
  6. FSCJ/FCCJ point system/withdrawing

    Pick up the application packet from the school, and it will explain everything. Basically you figure points for your grades for your pre-req classes - # of credit hours x grade (A=4, B=3, etc.)....
  7. Accepted FSCJ Summer 2010 Students

    LOL! Yeah,
  8. Accepted FSCJ Summer 2010 Students

    I hope
  9. FCCJ/FSCJ Fall 2010 Hopefuls

    melt, I just started in the summer program,
  10. FCCJ/FSCJ Fall 2010 Hopefuls

    melt, congrats on doing well on the NAT! FSCJ doesn't recognize + or - on the grades. A B+ counts as a B. 202 is definitely good.
  11. Accepted FSCJ Summer 2010 Students

    Hi everyone, we made it through our first week! Congrats to us!
  12. FCCJ/FSCJ Fall 2010 Hopefuls

    It's just 90 days. If anyone would like to buy the prep book for the NAT, please PM me. I didn't use it, but maybe you will find it
  13. FCCJ/FSCJ Fall 2010 Hopefuls

    I seem to remember them saying do NOT contact any of the hospitals, that they will find
  14. Accepted FSCJ Summer 2010 Students

    Anyone know if we can use a digital watch, or does it have to be the regular
  15. Accepted FSCJ Summer 2010 Students

    I really like the idea that we'll be the same group (24 of us) throughout the entire