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All Content by Lbug09

  1. hi all... i am new here. what do you think - better to go straight for the bsn or just do the associates for now and get the bsn later? let me note that i plan on going part-time as i have a full-time job in another field. i know the pay doesn't vary...
  2. Hi there - I am considering nursing (just signed up for my pre-reqs). Before I dive into a program in Jan I'm hoping to shadow a nurse in the Boston area. Any help/suggestions on how I can make this happen would be wonderful : )
  3. Is Nursing Right For ME?

    Spacey? Inefficient? No offense but maybe ask yourself if you would want to be under the care of a spacey, inefficient nurse. There's a lot at stake (people's lives). I am not sure nursing would be right for you.
  4. Job market prefers BSN , turns away ADN

    hi all... i'm new to this site. i am looking at nursing programs in boston, namely part-time evening programs since i work full time in an unrelated field (i have my bs in marketing/econ). i figure an adn would be a good way for me to get my feet wet...