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All Content by Rebekah77877

  1. CCBC, Fall 2011 Applicants =) I am selling some books on CL, just wanted to let you ladies know. :)
  2. CCBC, Fall 2011 Applicants =)

    Online Dosage is a great option, I had a friend take it in the class room and she hated it. I actually gave her my log in so she could use my online mods to you can print all the stuff from the web site and keep it for future review. You...
  3. CCBC, Fall 2011 Applicants =)

    Keep your heads up ladies....I am just finishing my first year at Essex and it was not easy to get into the program. It was by far the most stressful time of my life ( Just trying to get in!!!) . For those that got in...WELCOME!! And a BIG CONGRATS!!...
  4. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    Ok, so did they ever say if Fundamentals was considered full time in regards to the Pell Grant? I know it is not 12 credits but they do consider this full time for things such as insurance..... I am confused about the Pell Grant stuff....Please infor...
  5. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    Is this for Essex?? I would say you need to call the school and ask them. We had ours last week, but I am not sure if there is another one. Congrats though!!!
  6. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    Does anyone have any scholarship advice? I have been looking around but I can't tell what is junk and what is legit. Will the school do this for me?? I have no idea where to even begin.
  7. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    Take the Teas again and get an A in Micro, then you should be all set :)
  8. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    They use V #4, and they will not show any testing dates until they are posted by the school. You should be able to get the test book on Ebay...I am pretty sure I got mine on there. I would also suggest getting the Mcgraw Hill Book which you can get a...
  9. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    Yes, St. Peters is full time pre-school...and it is a great school. I know a few friends that take their children there and are very pleased. It is not all that expensive unless you need before and after care. I think we would need the before care co...
  10. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    I went over to the Childcare center last Friday to check it out. I had looked into it a while ago but then enrolled my daughter into private Pre-school at St. Peters. I love the school but the more I think about it I would way rather have her on camp...
  11. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    I have a four year old as I actually went on and changed from June to July, I also signed up for the night test session. Do you have a little girl or boy? I have a girl and she is a handful!!
  12. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    I signed up for the first Dosage in June for online. I am sure they will talk about the CPR ext durring the orientation. Does feel like we have a lot to do!!! I just have a million questions...
  13. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    I would also suggest trying to get a better score on the TEAS Test....I really think that makes a huge difference. I think your GPA is a little low but I am not sure what GPA you are refering to. The nursing advisors are not always the best...maybe y...
  14. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    Also for the TEAS....I think you need to have at least an 84%. I also think you need to be done all your classes when you apply. I have done a lot of digging and these seem to be the two most important things :) Again....I am happy to answer any ques...
  15. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    Congrats to everyone that was accepted to all programs!!! I signed up for the July dosage course and I actually purchased the book two months ago....I just wanted to be prepared. I have not really looked at the book so I guess I better get started. I...
  16. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    I will give you all a little tip, for the RN program they put a 200.00 seat fee on your school account. If you have not gotten your letter yet I would log onto Simon and access your account. If you see a 200.00 seat fee added to your account balance ...
  17. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    Do you by any chance have a facebook page? Maybe you can look me up on there and I will message you my number. Just look up Rebekah Alvarado and you should be able to find me on there. I would be happy to let you pick my brain....I did it to so many ...
  18. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    I got a 72% the first time I took the TEAS, I applied for the spring and was not accepted. I took the TEAS two more times and was able to get an 84%. I am sure this is the reason I was accepted this time. After picking the brains of everyone that was...
  19. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    I just got my letter!!!! I have been accepted for the CCBC Essex Day Program......finally the waiting is over. I am super excited to get the show on the road!!!!
  20. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    Here we go again!!! I really hope that we all get our letters today :)
  21. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    Did she get into the program?
  22. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    I live in Nottingham....and that is really NOT that far from CCBC Essex. I applied to the Essex RN Day Program. I am pretty sure they mailed letters out on Monday for the Essex programs. I am going to the post office after work to see if they have my...
  23. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    I just got my mail....and no letter again today. I am very disapointed....I am so sick just waiting to hear
  24. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    Pink, where do you live?
  25. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    You have got to be kidding me!!! If mine does not come today I am not sure what I am going to do. I can not live like this another day!!!!!!!