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All Content by Rebekah77877

  1. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    I am sitting at work ready to vomit!!! OMG, this is killing me..... Anyone else get their letters today???
  2. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    I applied to CCBC Essex Day Program, I applied last time and was not I know how it feels to get a rejection letter. I assume I will get my letter tomorrow....I am really sick of waiting at this point.
  3. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    Oh and CONGRATS!!!!
  4. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    I live right in Perry I would think that is close. I am just driving myself nutts with this letter!!! LOL. Ecomom, can I ask you what you got on the TEAS and if you were done all your pre recs when you applied?
  5. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    So you got it today!!!!! I can't belive mine did not come yet, I really hope that is not a bad sign
  6. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    My mail came....and no letter today
  7. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    I am pretty sure they mailed letters we should have them today or tomorrow!!!
  8. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    I am totally stalking my mail box....I acutally drove all the way home today on my lunch break to check the mail. I don't live to far from my office but still....I just can't wait any longer!!! LOL
  9. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    Where are these letters!!! I am going crazy...LOL:)
  10. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    I never got my pink card, but I called the school and they assured me that they received my application. I was freaking out a little so I would not worry if you didn't get a pink post card....I think a bunch got lost in the mail :)
  11. Anyone Applied for Fall 2010 at CCBC

    Just wanted to post here to let people know I have a facebook page for CCBC Essex Pre-Nursing Students. Please join and post all your questions...there are a few members that would be happy to answer whatever they can for you. It is really hard to an...
  12. CCBC Anyone?

    Mr. *****....never took him but I know people that have. I have heard he is worth the drive to Dundalk!! I took some good teachers at all depends all the type of teaching style you like. Do you prefer to have a teacher that goes right fro...
  13. ccbc essex???

    Did you get accepted?
  14. Everyone is different, I really liked Dr. ***** a lot...he was very smart however I felt as if I were a medical student in his class. He was way above my thinking level at the time, I have never had a teacher quite like him. He never used the book so...
  15. I am sure you will do fine on the TEAS, it was not that horrible. I got a 72% overall and a 95% in the reading. The study guide was helpful except for the science portion. I actually went on youtube and found some basic little lessons on earth scienc...
  16. This is the million dollar questions, I honestly believe that it all depends on who you are applying against. It could fluxuate between application terms. I have heard a lot of different's easy to get's hard to get in!! I don't t...
  17. I had Dr. ******* (sp) for A&P 1, he was a great teacher but very hard to follow. I described him as one of my favorite teachers that I would never take again!! I had mixed feelings about the class. I just felt like his tests did not match his l...