Stacy in North Texas

Stacy in North Texas

L&D and OB-GYN office

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About Stacy in North Texas

Stacy in North Texas has 14 years experience and specializes in L&D and OB-GYN office.

I was an L&D nurse for 5 years on a busy, high risk unit in a teaching hospital. I quit work for 9 years to be a stay at home mom, but as of 2009, I have re-entered the work force as an office R.N. for an OB-GYN.

Latest Activity

  1. Physician office job

    Drop off your resume at offices you would like to work in. Be aware, though, that many Ob-Gyns don't hire RN's anymore, they hire MA's to save money. I'm sure there are some out there, though, that...
  2. Late decel?

    A late is a late and a sign of distress, even if it has good variability. You are right that the lack of variability only makes it even worse. The fact that she said you don't have to chart them is...
  3. Charting blood draws in an office

    For those of you who work in an office setting and do blood draws, what do you chart regarding the blood draw? The office I am now working in charts nothing. The MA's and RN's who do blood draws do...
  4. As a Nurse what are some things that make you sick?

    I worked in L&D for years, so I got used to urine, feces, vomit and blood real fast. Suctioning mucus makes me gag, but the worst for me was witnessing an orthopedic surgery on a pregnant woman....
  5. Question from a new nurse in L & D!!

    16 weeks is more than I got. I got 12 weeks in L&D which included some classroom time with other new grads. I think it was enough. 16 weeks will be enough for you to take your own patients, but...
  6. Thoughts and ramblings from a tech/student

    That is neat! Thanks for sharing. You are going to make a great
  7. Vastus Lateralis

    The VL is great, just be sure to know the best route of admin for the particular drug you are giving. For example, I often give Depo Provera IM injections, but the manufacturer recommends giving it...
  8. OK, Cultural question here, please forgive the stupidity.

    Hi. My 2 cents here. I would just add that I think the vast majority of Muslim men who are in an American hospital are aware that the vast majority of their nurses and other care givers might not...
  9. Reglan and Compazine IV push policies?

    I worked L&D for years and we frequently gave Reglan IVP and I never saw any complications. We did not give Compazine. I agree with the previous poster, you should not be giving a med one way and...
  10. Circulating c-sections

    When I worked in L&D, we had our own ORs (2 of them) and a 4 bed recovery room. Whether it was a planned C/S or not, the nurse assigned to the pt prepared her for surgery (IV, Foley, Shave, etc.)...
  11. jacuzzi use during labor

    I hope your facility actually gets to use them. The hospital where I delivered both of my kids had jacuzzi's in the LDR's, but the nurses said they rarely got used because the MD's didn't like them....
  12. Pregnant & Working... When to Tell?

    I would tell them sooner rather than later. It would be better if they knew before you are potentially assigned a pt that might not be good for you to care for. I worked in L&D when I was...
  13. High-risk long-term antepartum patients, what do you do?

    Interesting. When I worked in L&D we would keep people on Mag in one of the LDRs. It was policy to keep them in L&D for as long as they were on MAG, due to the frequent assessments...
  14. What Happens If the Nurse Didn't Aspirate For H1N1?

    I got the seasonal flu vaccine at a Walgreens. Even the pharmacist that administered it to me knew to aspirate. I was taught to aspirate and that is what I do. I think it should be done. It only...
  15. Labor and Delivery nursing

    L&D nurses generally do not teach mothers to care for their newborn babies. L&D nurses are (generally) there during labor and delivery and for about an hour afterwards. The moms (in many...