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About jetta1

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  1. I'm getting my left foot fixed in December and was wondering how long other nurses were off work and if they returned to light duty
  2. This is another thing which really upsets me that I didn't share. She told a RT that I let her put in a NGT in the patient/her son, because he didn't want me to insert it and that he had pointed to...
  3. The woman claiming that she is a LVN is my patient's mother. Her son is in ICU and when she comes to visit him, she is telling staff that she is a LVN. She does not work at my hospital or is employed...
  4. Thanks! Just wanted to make sure before I tell my
  5. There is a patient's family member that is telling people that she is a LVN but I find out that she is nothing more than a sitter. This is against the law,
  6. foxyhill21, are you thinking about leaving Villas at Coronado? How do you like it there? I looked at it and I like everything about it except for the traffic getting in and getting
  7. Hi veggiegarden! I actually looked at Archstone Brompton! I could have got a really good deal there for a crazy amount of sq. footage. I'm still looking around at a couple of other places but thank...
  8. I'm looking right now and have having a hard time finding one. Which apartment do you stay at and is it a place that you would recommend? Why or why
  9. nurse friendly texas hospitals?

    Usually, the only place that has shifts like that is in the
  10. I haven't myself but I was wondering what the reasoning was for the
  11. Are you sure St. Luke's is only offering Med/Surg? I work ICU here and we are short! Talk to Cheryl Bothe. I don't know her number off the top of my head but she works in Nurse
  12. Opinions?

    Shirley, since you love UTMB and Galvestion, do you plan on working there when you graduate? Just wondering! I had clinicals there for two classes and also worked there for 6 or 7 months and was not...
  13. Opinions?

    Galveston is yucky. You don't want to go there. Take a look at Clear Lake. It's really nice there and I had clinicals at their hospital and liked
  14. Elevated cortisol level- what does it mean?

    Sounds like you may have polycystic ovaries or
  15. Elevated cortisol level- what does it mean?

    Sounds like you may have polycystic ovaries or