

NICU, Nursery

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About neonatal_nurse

neonatal_nurse specializes in NICU, Nursery.

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  1. Should i give references even if i'm still at my current job?

    Thanks strength4unityRN, I will be on the lookout for that. :) I agree NedRN, that was how i did it in the past for my employers, i always get a recommendation/reference letter with their signature...
  2. Should i give references even if i'm still at my current job?

    Ok thanks! strength4unityRN! I haven't told anyone at all, I was just concerned that it might reflect badly on me and since i haven't told anyone, they might get shocked once someone calls. And if it...
  3. I'm looking into travel nursing (for the first time) and have gotten some positive responses. I have submitted everything except for references. Should i give it now even if i'm still at my current...
  4. Survey on how many patients you get in a shift

    NicuGal, same here! The other night we were so overwhelmed and asked for our manager for a "plan" to send somebody over, but all she said was to use our asst. manager for nights as a "resource...
  5. Survey on how many patients you get in a shift

    everytinything tell me where you are, i would love to be in that hospital! Haha! Which is actually how it should really be, i mean our job is hard as it is, and an overwhelming patient load is the...
  6. Survey on how many patients you get in a shift

    Omg, Ack_RN i would do the same. That's just ridiculous! I've had 4 these past 2 nights and am waay exhausted. I cannot accept 6 or maybe 5 because it's just not safe. Kudos to places where 2 or 3 is...
  7. Survey on how many patients you get in a shift

    Omg! Just had a bad day, thought everything was going well until the end, I always say 3 is too much, 4 is just dangerous no matter how long u have been working as a nurse It's just waay too much if...
  8. I know some states have regulations for ICU units, NICU is an ICU soooo we SHOULD be getting only a maximum of 2 patients per shift. Am I one of the unfortunate ones who got stuck working in a...
  9. New Grad Trying for NICU

    New grads beware: It takes awhile. Really. So don't try to kill yourself in the process. Whether NICU or not, those who have the experience of at least a year will be preferred since they don't have...
  10. Need help nrp online exam lesson 3

    Oh haha! Sorry about that. I was just stuck on the use of resuscitative devices for ppv chapter, apparently the most "meaty" part of the course. The questions were too tricky, I had to study the...
  11. Need help nrp online exam lesson 3

    Omg! It's been awhile since I have last taken my nrp exam (back in my home country) and as I recall, it was not this hard! I read the book (6th ed) plus the CD and thought I was gonna do fine. Until I...
  12. Help on job seeking tips

    What is ur visa/immigration situation here in the US? You can't just go here as a tourist and be hired. You must be a legal permanent resident at least. As of now a lot of nurses are jobless here in...
  13. Can you pm me on my account?
  14. Hello azirr05, This thread is very helpful I agree. Tried to pm you but couldn't. Same situation here, I just got my US SSN and I actually inquired with them a few months ago already about the...
  15. Call light abuse. What to do???

    Get your charge