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  1. I did it. But my kids were older. Oldest in college. Youngest in high school. I worked a 36 hour weekend at the hospital and 20 hours a week teaching clinicals. The last semester I worked 36 hrs +...
  2. Dear Vocera

    Water and electronics do not mix well. Just a suggestion. They will get tired of replacing
  3. No breaks (class action lawsuit)

    I can hear management/administration's argument now... something to the tune of "If you didn't get a break there must be something wrong with your organization. If you can't get organized then you...
  4. LVN to RN - What did you do with your LVN license?

    I keep it for sentimental reasons. I worked very hard for it. It was a very important goal in my career. I was just as important as an LPN on the health care team as I am today with my MSN. And I...
  5. Ordering aspirin tied into a part of ER MD salary ??

    This is one of the core measures. If the any one of the standards are not met then payment is not made. We have one person responsible whose only job is to check all of our charts just to make sure...
  6. e-MAR headaches!!!!!

    I'm not sure of the name of the program. And I'm not sure why it takes pharmacy so long to turn around the meds. We were instructed by nurse manager and supervisors to stop calling because phone...
  7. e-MAR headaches!!!!!

    Recently started using eMAR. It had been a few weeks now. Nurses have encountered all kinds of problems. Some problems listed below: 1. Font size too small to read. (My guess is a size 8 font. We have...
  8. Employee Engagement survey

    Engagement survey time again. Past experience tells me what a huge waste of my time this is. Fill out the survey, a third party bundles the results, and wonderful changes will be made in the...
  9. Policy on WOWs

    We are switching over to eMARS with WOWs (workstation on wheels). Policy is to take the workstation in the room to give meds. Then wheel it to the next room. Problem: We get a a lot of patients...
  10. I do not trust the hospital I work in. It is not because the staff doesn't try. It's just the bean counters have made it so supplies run out, equipment breaks down, and there just aren't enough...
  11. How much MONEY do you make? (questionaire)

    1. what is your degree in? bachelor of science in nursing (bsn); will have master of science in nursing (msn) in august 2. what state do you live in? michigan 3. what is your job title? staff nurse...
  12. Sorry Milwaukee nurses and patients. Our GAIN is your LOSS. This CEO is headed your way. Look out for major changes.... and not for the good of nursing or patient care! If you have supplies you need...
  13. Hand Sanitizer and Asthma

    The same thing happens to me when I use or someone near me uses hand sanitizer too! And it isn't any better in nursing education if you are at a clinical site where the students use it. (Because I...
  14. APA format software vs. Free Downloads

    PERRLA is the best money I ever spent!!!!!!!! Go to the site and take the tutorial. You will be
  15. Downside: 1. dues 2. politics 3. seniority rules which are unfair to the lower senior people Upside: 1. Better staff/patient ratios 2. Higher wages 3. better benefits 4. administration can't just make...