

ED Nursing, Critical Care Nursing

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About jlr820

jlr820 has 6 years experience and specializes in ED Nursing, Critical Care Nursing.

I've been a nurse for 6 years-3.5 in the emergency department, and 2.5 in ICU in a 159 bed community hospital in the Midwest. In a former life, I worked in EMS, and then law enforcement.

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  1. 9 Newbie Nurse Mistakes to Avoid

    Wow, let's see. I've been "bizz" for 6 years. Let's see how many "craniorectal inversion" moments (think about it for a second...) I can remember. Forgetting to "pop" the seal on an Add Vantage...
  2. New ER nurse, but old Cardiac nurse

    Hi, First, your prior experience in cardiovascular nursing will serve you well. You already have experience with assessments, rhythm interpretation, etc so that's good. What you have probably...
  3. Vaccination at Dorsogluteal Site

    I've never heard of the dorsogluteal site being contraindicated for vaccines. As long as you employed proper techniques for locating IM landmarks (as another poster said, upper out quadrant), aseptic...
  4. Yes it is. The bloodstream is absolutely full of glucose (since it isn't entering cells and being metabolized). This glucose load makes the blood HYPERosmolar and the kidneys respond by trying to...
  5. taking CA NCLEX, is it harder?

    I'm not sure how this rumor about NCLEX difficulty varying by state got started, but it's totally incorrect. The NCLEX is a national examination, and there are no differences in difficulty by state....
  6. hiv exposure?

    This is one of those "DOH!" moments. Your risk is probably small. Basically, you would have to have an open wound on your hands and the client's blood would have to have contacted that wound and...
  7. blood exposure from hiv patient

    The risk is likely small, but as others have said the risk is still there. I think the main issue with the anti-retroviral therapy will be the side effects of the drugs. But, for your own peace of...
  8. Recommend an Excellent Emergency Nursing Textbook?

    i'd recommend sheehy's emergency nursing: principles and practice as others have done. you can also enroll in an online emergency nursing course through the ena, which is based on the sheehy text. the...
  9. Should tell 'em I am leaving in person, or email?

    You really need to do this in person. I think it would look really bad to do it via e-mail. No need to risk burning a bridge. You never know..you may need to cross back over that same bridge...
  10. A funny and warped FACES pain scale

    Next time I do a pain assessment, I'm gonna ask "Is it like you're actively being mauled by a bear?" with a sidelong, eyebrows raised expression on my face. Prolly draw a
  11. Not studying for NCLEX?

    I certainly wouldn't recommend the "no studying" approach. I know two classmates that took it without studying and managed to pass, but I know many more who took the test cold and failed. So, someone...
  12. i'm an ed nurse. this is hard to answer with the information given. i'm sure that he was triaged upon arrival by an experienced rn (focused history and neuro exam, vitals, etc). i just have to believe...
  13. Anyone use JoAnn Zerwekh books for NCLEX prep

    Hi, Yes I did use the Zerwekh book, but as a supplement to my main NCLEX-RN prep book, which was Prentice Hall's Comprehensive Review for NCLEX-RN by Mary Ann Hogan. I did think the Zerwekh text was...
  14. I'm a former army officer, and an OIF veteran. I wasn't an RN when I was in the military (that came later) but it doesn't matter...your recruiter is basically lying to you. An officer IS deployable...
  15. Who plays the "I'm a Nurse Card"?

    I've never done it, and won't unless there was a major problem with the care being provided. I don't like it when a patient or family member does it to me, as it is usually stated with an air of...