

ED, PCU, Addiction, Home Health

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All Content by akvarmit

  1. Foreign Objects in Body Cavities

    I can totally see one of our ER docs coming out of the cubical and going straight to the unit secretary and saying......"Get me the veterinary attending on call please.........."
  2. GN orientiations to ER's

    EEEGHADs! I am just finishing my orientation at a LVL I trauma center ED. I love it so far - but what I've gotten is 6 weeks of orientation. We don't have any classes, unless we get scheduled for some later and that is based on seniority. My co-w...
  3. Survival Tips for First Year Nurses

    I TOTALLY agree with this. When I started on a med/surg floor last year, everyone there picked on me for carrying a notebook and writing stuff down. I recently started in the ER at same hospital - and was told right out by my head nurse - you WILL ...
  4. ED Interview

    Hi! Thanks for the cute responses! I got two days under my belt, started a few IV's, drew a bunch of labs, played with the Level I infuser and the art line equipment, stood in on a trauma alert and an emergency intubation coming in from the field. ...
  5. ED Interview

    Well...deep breath...tomorrow is my first day of orientation in the ED. I have made note of all the suggestions and tips from various threads on this site. I will have my notebook in one pocket and my cardiac drug book in the other. (Like a gunsli...
  6. Hey All! I finally got confirmation, I'll be starting my ER job in about a month. I'm totally excitied, but a little aprehensive about all the stuff I "don't know"....... I do know that ER can be a little "different" kind of culture with it's own jo...
  7. what not to do/say the first day of work in the ER

    That is SOOOo funny! I came from a hospital where we truly believed in the Q-word-curse. My current floor doesn't understand that when someone let's the Q-word slip, that you MUST pay homage to the "admission god" and dance around the nurses statio...
  8. A Question For Student Nurses

    Wow - I guess this shows how different units can be. The students that use our floor always get their break and lunch before any staff nurses even get close to a break! We're lucky if we start lunches by 1......and our students are gone by 2. Back ...
  9. Okay, now I do have a story. I took care of a patient once with a colostomy that was a frequent flier and known to be of poor hygiene. I walked into his room and found him sitting on the edge of the bed, bathing with his basin on his overnight stand....
  10. Ya know, this thread reminds me of something in a "nursing book" I'm reading. It sums up nursing saying we witness all of the intimacies and vulnerabilities of life. But because of that, you don't often hear people boasting about their nurses like...
  11. ED Interview

    :balloons: WooHoo! I just got work that I got the ER job that I applied to tranfer to I'll have to work out my current schedule on my unit - but I expect I'll start beginning of May. So, till then, I'll be turning the pages of my Sheehy's Princ...
  12. Marriage to a Nurse-- Need HELP

    What struck me about this poster's questions is the "level" of relationship they're in right now as opposed to what the future holds. When I first got married, I wanted to spend every moment with my spouse........first holidays, first broken sink, f...
  13. Looking For Other Pa Nurses!!!!

    Hi there all! I'm a newbie RN, after 11 years as an LPN. It's nice to see posts with familiar, close-to-home topics! I live between Johnstown and Somerset.........just minutes away from "the Mine" where the 9 miners were trapped and rescued. Anyon...
  14. Thought I would like nursing...now I don't know

    Sure! I got it off ebay to listen to when I walk........ "Great Minds of Medicine" on tape by Simon & Schuster The ISBN is 067104723X
  15. Acuity? My hosp. says "we don't need no stinking acuity!" It doesn't matter if we have vents, trachs, epidurals, q1hr vs on certain patients or q1 hr accu checks on DkA, or q2hr Perit. dialysis........the staff is the same. Including the usual call...
  16. I can't answer all your questions, but I can give you one saying - Doctors take care of bodies affected by disease.........Nurses take care of people affected by disease. They see a test result and order the first line drug........we see a patient ...
  17. Thought I would like nursing...now I don't know

    Very True!!! I know I started out in nursing wanting to help patients and change the world, and I soon found the tide of resistance was much stronger than I expected! Whether from patients, families, co workers.......but each hurdle is an accomplis...
  18. Silly Question - Rotating Weekends

    Hi there! I've been doing the 12hr shift thing for a while. Our hospital allows RN's to do 3 12's per week.......then actually we only get paid for 72hrs. instead of 80. (I have seen other floors do 2 12's and 2 8's in order to still get 80 hours)...
  19. distance learning route for lpn to rn

    Hi Folks! I am a recent grad of Excelsior with my ASN. I was an LPN for 11 years before starting with them. I had done an office job for a while, and I purposely changed jobs and went back to a hospital setting as an LPN while I worked on the cours...
  20. ED Interview

    Okay - I'm just watching the calendar here.......the ER manager I interviewed with said they'd let me know in about a week...........(acting casual- eek - what day is it now!) I'll let you all know. Meanwhile, I've been reviewing Sheehy's Emergency...
  21. ED Interview

    Well - I did my interview today....went well I thought. This is actually for a transfer-in-house but they do the interviews the same whether you're a current employee there or not. (Also LVL I trauma center - they said they avg. 125 pt's a day) Went...
  22. ED Interview

    Hi Kitty! Finding your message is pretty neat - because I also have an ER interview tomorrow! I actually applied to transfer from my current unit to our ER. Our hospital uses an interview style that is a format of questions about previous clinica...
  23. If I Hear One More Time........

    :chair: Tweety - I can totally relate! Our facility has given our floor the honor of piloting an "on call" schedule to cover our own calls offs - in an effort to avoid mandatory staffing. (Mighty big of them, eh?) So, we all sign up for 2 nights...
  24. New Grad

    Hi there! I am a new grad - 6 months on the job - and I have been working steady nights as my choice. The other posts bring up some good points to consider! Are you being encouraged to go to nights because that shift is "short" and you look like a ...
  25. transition to practice article

    I have a favor to ask of you all - if I may draw from all the different backgrounds here....... A series of events and conversations has led me to look into trying to write an article for any nursing journal that might be interested. I've discussed t...