A New Start

A New Start

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All Content by A New Start

  1. Patient Advocate Documentation Help Please

    I appreciate the help. Thank you. But after thinking about it this afternoon, I think I'm going to change goals. Nothing I think matters if my mother in law doesn't put those hearing aids in and demonstrate mental competence to the staff. That's ...
  2. I need help. I started LVN school in August. In the first week my mother in law went into tachycardia a fib and of course went into CHF. Then she had a small CVA followed by a couple of weeks of TIAs. I won't recount the whole thing. Here's the ...
  3. Drug Flash Cards driving me insane...

    You're getting great feedback. I'm a newbie too. It's helped me. I figured out why some of this is so confusing. Believe it or not, there is no standardized classification system between publishers. What one calls an ACE inhibitor, the other cal...
  4. Strip searches?

    I don't know if this is relevant to your question, but here goes. I'm not out of school yet. Just considering this specialty myself. A family member of mine is an officer in charge of a county detention center. The family member works midnights ...
  5. working as cna while in lpn school?

    I couldn't do it, but I'm a 53 year old coming back to school after many years. I carry 17 hours. One of my 4 hour classes requires 24 outside hours a week in study. I'm making good grades, but that's only because I work it like a full time job. W...
  6. Thank you for your encouragement. I am completing my second week in school, and I'll have to say the RNs in my life have been real champions. Last week my wife asked me to look in on my mother in law, because she was having increasing swelling in h...
  7. i'm a brand new baby 52 year old lvn student. i've been told, i was accepted to begin in 3 weeks. yep. grandpa is finally putting his big girl panties on, and going to nursing school! this is why i've chosen the lvn route. time. i have procrastinated...
  8. I've just been accepted to start LVN school in August. I'm increasingly concerned about what appears to be the omnipotent powers of the the Texas B.O.N. I need an old head or two to tell me if I'm just a worry wart, or give me some guidance on how nu...
  9. Sorry for long time to answer. Still finding my way around. A Street Hawker is a Newspaper vendor that sells street side. Far more lucrative than most folks think.
  10. Where is money wasted in healthcare?

    I'm just a lowly 52 year old pre-nursing student, but your subject is one of the biggest reasons for me to enter nursing. I have been a quality control tech. You are not looking for industry wide waste. You are looking for your personal and your ...
  11. I know it's not health care, but you can check your local paper and see if they have a Sunday edition street hawker program (if that's not beneath you) Don't let those grubby sweaters fool you, the good ones make 3-400 dollars on Sunday. It takes a...

    Check your local Junior Colleges. We have one that does a 3 week certification. ALL DAY, but you test at the end and your employer can call the registry to see you passed your skills. Surely you already have your shots and CPR card. Use your cont...
  13. Who is the oldest Nursing Student here?

    I'll begin my first semester in LVN School this August. I'm male, and I'll be 53 when school starts. Self employed most of my life. I've received some wonderful nursing care over the years. I always admired nurses but said, "I could never do that." F...