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About 2bNurse4life4ever

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  1. I passed the Nclex RN on my second try!!! Please read to find out how!

    yes, exam cram helps as well... i had that cd also, but only used it sparingly, but it worked for friends of mine
  2. Orientation length?

    thank you so much for your reply.. it was exactly what i needed to hear and right to the point , it made me feel much better.. how long did it take for u to adjust to the routine in passing meds?...
  3. Orientation length?

    omg.. how do u feel now? im starting on my own after 3 more weeks of orientation... the nurse thats orienting me always wants to leave on time.. and since shes so worried about her speed, she doesnt...
  4. Failed the NCLEX RN with 76 questions!

    Thanks, by the way Jaenese, i passed my exam on my second try with 75 questions!! I am so happy!! I just wanted to update this thread :) I have a whole new thread about how I passed and what I did...
  5. I passed the Nclex RN on my second try!!! Please read to find out how!

    Im refering to the questions in kaplan. If you go under sample tests, which i believe is found under qbank, you will see three sample tests, and one of the three is only on priority, it is really good...
  6. I passed the Nclex RN on my second try!!! Please read to find out how!

    Thank you so much for your reply. Im sure you too will pass. I would suggest that you get the NCSBN course now. I only used the course the last two weeks prior to my exam, because I was trying to...
  7. Just coming from NCLEX ( Getting pop ops blocker )

    Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!! I am very happy for you !! I know you PASSED!! Job well done!!!!!!!!!
  8. Pearsonvue Trick Is this TRUE? Does it work every time?

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!I am VERYYYYYYYYYYYYYY happy for you !
  9. I failed Nclex today

    i am so sorry to hear that you have failed. i too failed my first attempt which was on june 22 2009. and i just took my exam the second time and passed it. the same will happen for you!!!!! things...
  10. I failed NCLEX today

    I am so sorry to hear that you have failed. I too failed my first attempt which was on June 22 2009. And I just took my exam the second time and passed it. The same will happen for you!!!!! Things...
  11. Pearsonvue Trick Is this TRUE? Does it work every time?

    this should help you as the trick worked for this
  12. I passed the Nclex RN on my second try!!! Please read to find out how!

    i did all the stuff for NCSBN, but some of their review content is REAL long, so i would only focus on the important topics. However I did do all the questions which included post tests after each...
  13. I passed the Nclex RN on my second try!!! Please read to find out how!

    Good luck with your exam. I know you can do it. Kaplan is the best. If you do everything that Kaplan asks of you which is complete the entire qbank and question trainers, you WILL pass the exam!!! If...
  14. I passed the Nclex RN on my second try!!! Please read to find out how!

    Yes , definetly , you will surely be able to post the same thing i did !!!!!! Im sure of that!!! But as you know, take breaks next time, and also read each question 2-3 times before choosing an...
  15. Welcome to NCLEX August 2009 Group!!!

    I am so sorry, dont lose hope, and try again! I just passed on my second try, and so can you!!! You couldnt have said it any better, our life does get put on hold until we pass this crazy test.. but...