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About jp2096

jp2096 has 5 years experience.

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  1. Latex Allergy

    actually, i am not sensitive to latex. just the vinyl for some reason. there must be some ingredient or powder that does not agree with me. i agree, nitrile rocks, and i can feel through
  2. Latex Allergy

    thank you all for your replies...i started out with a wet napkin as a barrier for my glove-icepack... then in haste, i used the bare glove, thinking vinyl is hypoallergenic. now i know anything can be...
  3. My unit made the switch from nitrile to "powder free hypoallergenic vinyl" and when I used an ice pack made from these vinyl gloves (you know us nurses), and put it on my face to relieve some...
  4. Latex Allergy

    I know this post was a few years ago, but my unit made the switch from nitrile to "powder free hypoallergenic vinyl" and when I used an ice pack made from these vinyl gloves (you know us nurses), and...
  5. Leopold's Maneuvers

    thank you all. i loved the interaction in my ob clinicals. i guess i am apprehensive about assessing fetal descent. practice, practice.... i'm relieved to know that their are nurses out there who do...
  6. Leopold's Maneuvers

    hi all. new grad here. i will start l&d at a small community hospital in nyc early january. question: do leopold's maneuvers still apply?