Mike A. Fungin RN

Mike A. Fungin RN

Trauma ICU, Peds ICU

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All Content by Mike A. Fungin RN

  1. Don't beat yourself up so much. Initiating 911 is the right thing to do when presented with an "emergency" situation that you don't feel prepared to assess. Give yourself a break, you're still learning. Anyways, even most "experienced" practicing n...
  2. 90% of what you learn in nursing school is useless.
  3. Can you name some of the hospitals in the Bay Area...

    Whatever you end up doing, good luck!
  4. 2 New Grad Programs in Bay Area

    This is a tangent, but Modesto a part of the "Bay Area"? It's smack in the central valley!
  5. How much MONEY do you make? (questionaire)

    1. What is your degree in? - Bachelor of Science in Nursing 2. What state do you live in? - California 3. What is your job title? - Staff Nurse, and I work in a neuro/trauma ICU 4. How much do you make an hour? - $58.18 an hour, but $6.42 of that is ...
  6. Floating related to age

    I don't think anyone should be exempt from floating.
  7. Can you name some of the hospitals in the Bay Area...

    Most people say CVICU is best if you want to be a CRNA. Are you planning on leaving California to be a CRNA? Breaking it down: John Muir - I precepted at the Walnut Creek campus and had an incredible experience, but they won't be hiring new grads ...
  8. Need Public Health Nursing Certification

    The 7 hour abuse course is part of the BSN curriculum here. I remember we took it in class and got a certificate. Not sure how else one would go about getting it?
  9. How soon we forget.

    Not disagreeing with your overall message, but the difference between mandating auto insurance and mandating health insurance is that the auto insurance mandate is to protect society, other motororists, from uninsured drivers.

    That's super that you had a great experience, but don't come on here and proclaim that such is the case for everyone. That wasn't my experience of nursing school and you'll find no shortage of posts on this board detailing the struggles of male nurs...
  11. Have an interview with CALSTAR....

    Flight nurses in northern California make about 2/3 the salary they would make in a hospital, meaning it's something like a 30% pay cut. Critical care nurses at our trauma center with 5 - 10 years experience make over $100k a year.
  12. Whats the worst case scenario if I don't get a job?

    Why the rush to get pregnant?! Even if you can find work as a new grad, the first 1 to 2 years of nursing practice are stressful enough without going through pregnancy.
  13. John Muir Medical Center-How do I get hired!?

    They just laid off something like 50 people at John Muir. Might be best to look elsewhere.
  14. Targeted by psychotic, manipulative patient

    File assault charges against her for spitting in your face and let the court sort it out. Period.
  15. facebook "stalking" as a nurse?

    Yeah, I hear peoples' concerns about facebook all the time so I guess they aren't aware of the privacy settings? It's very easy to control who does and does not have access to you on facebook.
  16. Reimbursement Question

    No, you can't double dip. If you got school paid for by grants and scholarships then by definition there's nothing to reimburse.
  17. I'm not sure if this is the right place for it.

    Mandated reporter or not, who cares? I find it disgusting that you would entertain the thought of doing anything but reporting this immediately.
  18. I'm thinking about dropping out of nursing school...?

    Reading your original post, it sounds like you already know what you want to do.
  19. What does your username mean?

    I'm an echinocandin antifungal :) My name's Mike, I like plays on words, and I wanted something nursing related. None of my nicknames from my days as a firefighter/EMT were very... flattering.
  20. Handling chauvinistic male charge nurse

    I'm... actually at a loss for words at this statement. Only because you're assuming that's why he was promoted. No, I reckon not. If any one of us guys posted a thread about a female nurse who got promoted and filled it with the kind of vitriole...
  21. That's really weird. I was a confident and competent critical care nurse the day I graduated. Use the nervousness. It'll keep you sharp.
  22. Docs who are actually willing to get their hands dirty.

    We have a hospitalist in our facility who has jumped in without being asked and helped assist with a turn, or grabbed supplies for someone. I just had to ask him once, "What did you do before medicine." He had been an med surg RN for six years. We ...
  23. opinions on Magnet hospitals?

    I've only worked at one Magnet hospital, but from things I've heard I get the impression that they're not all created equal. Many of the things that make a hospital a Magnet hospital (i.e. having unit councils) can vary in their implementation. Our...
  24. Concerned that my "type B" personality won't cut it!

    I believe there's a nursing specialty for everyone. Detail-oriented and at times fast-paced arenas like a trauma intensive care unit are a little better suited to Type A's I think... but I work with a few very type B people who know how to "ramp it ...
  25. ADD/ADHD possibly, what dept would fit me best?

    ED. There's always something new.