metal_m0nk BSN, RN


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About metal_m0nk

metal_m0nk is a BSN, RN and specializes in ICU.

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  1. metal_m0nk

    Should ICU get more pay than floor nursing?!?

    I actually get paid more in the ICU than I did on Med/Surg in the form of a "specialty
  2. metal_m0nk

    Racism in the workplace

    I tell them that holding on to all of that hate is terrible for their health. What's worse is when you have co-workers who actually defend their behavior..."Oh, they come from a different time. It...
  3. I have often wondered if that was the
  4. What gets me is that she IS the experienced nurse in our small ICU. I am relatively new to critical care and to nursing in general by comparison. She's got 15 years on me at least. I am usually more...
  5. You know the one. They have fewer patients, fewer tasks, lower acuity patients, and still every small hiccup is a disaster. They routinely stay hours after their shift to wrap things up even though...
  6. metal_m0nk

    Able to finish all tasks in ICU?

    Another voice here recommending staying on top of your tasks and charting throughout your shift. I am relatively new to critical care and I notice that many of my seasoned colleagues are the types who...
  7. metal_m0nk

    PICC line blood draw

    You use 3 mL syringes to draw on PICC lines? How many PICC lines have had to be replaced after you've had your hands on 'em? OP - Did the patient have saline running when you drew your labs and did...
  8. metal_m0nk

    Things you'd LOVE to tell coworkers...and get away with it!

    If you'd stop making excuses for why you can't do your job and just do your effing job, it'd be done by now, you'd have developed a sense of organic confidence because you surpassed your own grossly...
  9. I'm not certain where you work or why the situation is so dire there. But where I work, preceptors are paid a $2.00/hr differential for precepting and are not responsible for any more patients than...
  10. metal_m0nk

    Why are some nurses so miserable?

    I believe that happiness is not in what someone else can give a person. If I waited around for someone else to MAKE me happy, I'd probably be miserable
  11. metal_m0nk

    Why are some nurses so miserable?

    I think it was pretty clear that the OP didn't mean that ONLY nurses are miserable....She was just identifying the context of this forum....This NURSING forum. Miserable nurses are easy to...
  12. metal_m0nk

    Awful Doctors

    I think at least part of the reason why what is widely considered as abuse is changing is because with the passage of time we are beginning to more fully understand the real physiological and...
  13. metal_m0nk

    Awful Doctors

    Nursing is not an easy job. There are a lot of knocks to take when you're first starting out. The trick is to learn to take your knocks, reflect, and move on. This too shall
  14. metal_m0nk

    You are not my only patient

    It's as simple as the laws of physics which dictate that a person cannot be in two places at once. Unless each nurse cares for one patient and one patient only, SOMEONE is going to have to wait and...
  15. metal_m0nk

    April 2013 Caption Contest: Win $100!

    "I'm going to need a bigger tongue