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  1. On the verge of being dropped from the program

    Another thing that helps is underlining what the question is asking...that will help you pick from the two answers that seem correct. One is just more correct than the other based off the
  2. NCLEX and HESI study guide??

    Get Pearson's Exam Cram with the CD. The CD has sample tests with the CAT software which simulates the actual NCLEX. It also gives you a diagnostic and tells u which areas are weak and which are...
  3. LPN to RN bridge @ Rivier, clep courses

    Rivier is really expensive...They will let you clep out of some things but not all. I would ask them upfront because it has been an issue for some in the past. Also, Riv is VERY expensive and seems...
  4. Where are the best schools in NH for RN and BSN degrees?

    Yes! These programs have become more popular and there are more schools that offer them BUT don't go into it if you're looking for a "recession proof job" Lots of people rack up tons of debt and...
  5. I can't get into any nursing schools!

    Only keep applying if this is something you REALLY want to do and REALLY love. THe reason why I say this is that there are a lot of new grad RNs who can't find jobs. And a lot more people going into...
  6. Rivier ASN Evening Program - Fall 2012

    A lot of ppl like the Danskos as comfy shoes. They have to be white. You should be able to get weekend clinical, no problem. ONe thing about weekend clinnical which is a pain is you stay with the...
  7. Rivier College, NLN

    Rivier is really expensive for the money and their NCLEX passrate hasn't been so great. Also, they charge a lot and don'[t offer much aid at all. There are other schools with higher NCLEx pass rates...
  8. Is Rivier College a good school?

    I think you should worry less about the pass rates and more about where u feel comfortable and get a good clinical experience. I did go to school there. THey were taking steps to increase their...
  9. May 2009 OLD grad, called 17 hospitals today...

    You may not lose your license because the job market is bad BUT if you can't find work, then you have to do something else. There are a lot of people who write in to this site who say that they...
  10. New Grads We Have Hit A New Low...Work For FREE

    This is NOT a three hour a week position. It is a full time commitment. It's 40 hours a week plus classroom time. You are not guaranteed a job at the end, but they try and put you into a unit that...
  11. New Grads We Have Hit A New Low...Work For FREE

    Also you can't call in sick with the same result. They tell you that they own you and that they can order you to do anything they want anytime they
  12. New Grads We Have Hit A New Low...Work For FREE

    I was actually a part of this program. There are consequences. You do get paid for time on the floor but if you are late to anything, including your pre-employment physical, they will cut you from...
  13. May 2009 OLD grad, called 17 hospitals today...

    A lot of other people have tried the military, but they have few nursing billets especially in Reserves. DOn't forget that it IS a significant commitment (6 years) and not for everyone. You wouldn't...
  14. New Grad Boston Rn's Making $55/hr??!!

    Wow. With all the forums about new grads who are still bagging groceries and begging off their student loans, NO ONE should be saying that it's easy to get a job. Every job fair that I have been to...
  15. No one will hire an RN as a CNA....Believe me there are a lot of people who have tried. And if this is a career change, then it's hard to live off CNA