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About bonniezim

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  1. LoneStar-- Kingwood ADN program ranking criteria

    They may have a good NCLEX passing rate b/c the only people left are the really smart ones. What is their pass/fail rate on classes? Not good I'm sure. That's why all of the repeaters. My friend...
  2. I M UPSET !!! Houston Community..

    Avoid HCC at all costs!!! I know 1 person that failed with a 74 and another that is still barely hanging on. A lot of the students are repeaters. Find another
  3. LoneStar-- Kingwood ADN program ranking criteria

    I have not applied there b/c I'm out of district (double the price b/c I don't live is HISD) but, I work in an outpatient facility with someone that worked their butt off and made a 74 the first...
  4. LoneStar-- Kingwood ADN program ranking criteria

    Has anyone applied to or been in HCC's program? It is a joke. They set you up to fail. Bottom of the barrel professors. Retaking Psych and A&P to raise from B to A for acceptance to