Tina, RN

Tina, RN

Acute Care, CM, School Nursing

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About Tina, RN

Tina, RN has 20 years experience and specializes in Acute Care, CM, School Nursing.

Latest Activity

  1. Why do so many cheerleaders enter nursing?

    I'm pretty nerdy.
  2. Lack of Manners

    OMG, I had a middle school aged student sneak up on me once, and literally blow on the back of my neck to startle me. I have never been so freaked out in my life. That was one of the very few times I...
  3. Record Year for Acanthosis

    Wow! I had honestly never heard of this
  4. Anorexia and other eating disorders

    This terrifies me. I grew up in a household with very screwed up ideas on weight/appearance. Consequently, I battled eating disorders through high school and my 20's. I have an 11 year old daughter,...
  5. Tiny acts of kindness

    I love
  6. Under the Influence Exam

    Could you send it to me,
  7. Elementary or High School

    I have done elementary and high school. I will never, ever go back to elementary! I love little ones, but I don't want to be responsible for hundreds of them each day. Too much neediness, and the...
  8. November is National Prematurity Awareness Month

    My big kid was born at 29 weeks: One pound, 13 ounces. Thirteen inches long... What a sick little guy he was! He is going to be 13 years old in December! He's the one I yell for when I can't figure...
  9. minor complaints

    "That there's an RRRRRRVEEEE." National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation???
  10. Monday morning urgent care..

    Recently had a parent bring a student in first thing in the morning. Student attends school in my district, but doesn't even attend my school! Kid has a banged up hand from an injury at home that...
  11. Monday morning urgent care..

  12. Monday morning urgent care..

    I thought I was the only one that used the "Monday Morning Urgent Care" line! At least I'm not alone. :)
  13. School Nurses Hoping for a Snow Day

    I feel your pain. I am working at my per diem job tonight, right about when the roads should be horrific. I am so annoyed, I never realized how spoiled I was working for the schools!! LOL Be safe,...
  14. Large ladies! Best scrubs?

    I need to find scrub pants that have a higher rise. I *hate* low rise pants!!! My belly is too big, and they always end up underneath it. But, most pants now seem to have that lower rise. Any...
  15. questioning IV fluids

    Very interesting thread... I always like to read about types of IVF and the conditions under which they would be