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About BeckysMom1952

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  1. Secretary infighting

    I'm going to make a long story short. I have two secretaries (Jill and Mary, names changed) who seem to get along although each has told me about the other's "game playing." On a recent morning Jill...
  2. Avenues for a second job?

    My hospital is very low census for a long time now, and we're all getting called off a lot. Paychecks are suffering. But we have mortgages and other bills. I need another job, but what I don't want is...
  3. Threatened by Patient Family

    The response by your hospital is complete BS. On our floor we've stopped being nice. Threaten once and you're out- we call security and you're escorted out, and if need be, visitors to that patient...
  4. PCA pump error

    Thanks for these replies. The drugs are barcoded but the machines aren't capable of reading them. The patient actually did get that 25 mg of morphine and they only found out when it started beeping...
  5. PCA pump error

    Question: Our charge nurse set up a PCA pump with morphine for a new grad. Our policy states she has to set it up with another RN, but this manager just did it herself then had another nurse go in and...