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All Content by Wund5

  1. Nursing Shortage? Not Here!

    Indeed, the propaganda of "nursing shortages" is really nauseating. The only reason the ANA, NLN, nursing schools, colleges, and universities perpetually manufacture this false crisis is to lobby for monies from the state and federal government. Wi...
  2. med error--real world answer?

    This is a fascinating dilemna, and one which almost every RN will encounter sooner or later. In some hospitals and facilities, as long as you notify the MD- AND THE PATIENT of the missed dose,(as long as the pt. is cognitive) and neither party has a...
  3. Lost job april 09 ...need help

    Hi indiansfan- First, you have the option and right to appeal the decision by the Dept. of Labor. The Dept. of Labor will schedule a hearing in which you, a rep. from the DOL, and a representative from your facility (usually the DON or ADON) wi...