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All Content by sassyjane

  1. Taking the NCLEX in MANILA (Help please)

    patience.. it will arrive soon ,,, over night att:yeah: mod note, please post only in english as per terms of service
  2. Taking the NCLEX in MANILA (Help please)

    Aja! around the 20 something... and the last vacant is on the 29th.. there are a lot of vacant slots for july pa. we can make it...
  3. Taking the NCLEX in MANILA (Help please)

    by the way, i applied for my eligibility around september 17 08, and then my eligibility is dated )ct 3, i received it here in manila around the 12th of oct. :) then I applied for my ATT online last may 15th, and I received it in the morning of 16th....
  4. Taking the NCLEX in MANILA (Help please)

    hi... i applied for california.... im still thinking about taking on july 1st... heheheh *lubdublubdub....
  5. Taking the NCLEX in MANILA (Help please)

    i registered online last night and I got my ATT today :)
  6. Scheduling NCLEX-RN in Manila

    You can also use a UNIONBank eon card or an E -wallet visa, if you're a regular depositor of UBP. for an eon card, you just have to pay 350 for the annual visa fee. the e-wallet has a 10k maintaining balance as far as i know. I got one from my recent...