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All Content by loveshospital

  1. Just wondering?
  2. Social sorority and nursing school.

    It was kind of offending and discriminating in my opinion,seemed like you were trying to assume that people have kids can not enjoy their youth and have to give up everything for the family.
  3. Need some good summer reads!

    I swear by this book, if you decide to read it it also has second and third part,I dont know anyone who didnt like this book.
  4. I'm a little bit older than and I think that what your going through now is fascination period with the book that you read,been there done there,and many times I have been inspired by events book etc (my latest is the idea of getting married in an ol...
  5. Contaminated you wear scrubs to the stores

    Actually quiet contrary.My very smart phd micro professor told me not to wear scrubs outside work.I think he knows what he is talking about given his credentials.
  6. Getting into Nursing Just to Get a JOB!!

    If you dislike your job so much you can always go back to doing something else...I'm tired of people using the same old example of McDonalds,it is like people who come from different countries complaining how US sucks,this is not a jail just like nur...
  7. Getting into Nursing Just to Get a JOB!!

    Are you kidding? I'm sorry but you cant get brain stimulation from working at mcdonalds.
  8. Getting into Nursing Just to Get a JOB!!

    each to his own,however due to the high stress level,crazy patient acuity,physical demands,disrespect,no-so great pay,other risks it is hard for me to imagine why on earth someone with complete lack of interest,no people skils choose nursing professi...
  9. Getting into Nursing Just to Get a JOB!!

    The reason why will never unite in nursing is that different personalities go into nursing and certainly not all of them are what we could define as "compassionate,nurturing",hence it would be impossible to satisfy everyones needs. Nursing schools de...
  10. Getting into Nursing Just to Get a JOB!!

    I know people in my class who dont like to take care of "difficult" patients.I always think to myself "well quess what honey then you should have had choosen other medical field.
  11. Getting into Nursing Just to Get a JOB!!

    How about a smart and kind hearted nurse,they do exist.I would choose none of them,I want both of these qulities.
  12. Contaminated you wear scrubs to the stores

    no I change at the hospital.
  13. What I Wish I Knew Before Nursing School!

    I'm graduating next week and keep in mind that nursing school prepares you very little for real life nursing,take advantage of your lab room (you wont be able to try all the skills in the hospital settings),and learn on your own,the instructrors only...
  14. Getting into Nursing Just to Get a JOB!!

    only nuns have the so called calling because they work for free.with that said i believe that people who pick a job to only provide means for themselves will end up miserable bored,unsatisfied,indifferent to their career.
  15. marriage and nursing school

    And one last word (sorry but could not help myself...) Why cant he be supportive for a year or two?Make sacrifices for only transient time,we women cook and clean and raise our children our whole lives but when a man is put into the position to help ...
  16. marriage and nursing school

    that is not fair of him to ask her to choose,why cant she have both?thousand of women have done it why cant she do it?
  17. marriage and nursing school

    I totally agree with you. Women who take pride in their achievement and have ambitions are considered radical feminists,which is so blown out of proportions.Just because we women want something more than cooking and taking care of the household doesn...
  18. marriage and nursing school

    But the truth is that some significant others (sad to say it) are jealous and insecure in relationships.If this wouldnt be the case than many marriages wouldnt have to struggle through many problems that they do.Confident people with their own career...
  19. Blind in one eye...can I still be a nurse

    When I was doing my psych rotation there was one nurse who was missing one hand and she still was a practicing nurse,hence it wasnt the med-surg unit but still a specialty area of nursing.
  20. Sucking out the fun....

    This MD should be reported,seriously...
  21. marriage and nursing school

    Your husband is either selfish or jealous,controling or loves you very much,either way if your marriage is solid nursing school wont end it...Just on the side notes frankly your husband shouldnt put you into the position to choose,you as a American w...
  22. Why do a lot of nursing students hate med/surg?

    I so love medical surgical area which is the base for any specialty.I love to take care of the pt with variety of conditions,this is my first choice then maybe psych.
  23. Swine flu raises fear of pandemic - Adults and Children

    Some news cannot be confirmed 100% as well as some come from unchecked sources.We dont know the situations of those two students (their health status,comorbidities etc).We also cannot confirm the deaths in Mexico,news can tell us laypeople anything,e...
  24. Swine flu raises fear of pandemic - Adults and Children

    No I havent read all the pages of this thread (too much time!) however I see people begining to panic for no obvious reason and it is getting frustrating when healthcare professionals give in to propaganda.
  25. Run seriously!!!