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All Content by loveshospital

  1. Confrontational co-workers!!!!!

    I think it was cowardness more than anything with those two....
  2. Swine flu raises fear of pandemic - Adults and Children

    People needs to really stop panicking,swine flu is just a FLU and thousand of people get the FLU every year,any flu is dangerous regardless of the source and the only people that should be considered high-risk are infants as well as people over 65 as...
  3. Whats so hard about the HESI?

    I agree,I didnt find Hesi to be chalenging at all,I was fed with all the horrible stories how everyone fails Hesi (even the nurses at the Hospital were saying the same thing) and when I took it I was really surprised by how easy it was.I didnt even o...
  4. "The Disruptive Behavior of Doctors"

    That is awful,some people were just born to be mean,in my class we have a couple of mean girls who takes pray on more sweater and nicer students and they dont even have a valid reason to be so rude,I think some people are just insecure because the ha...