You'll want to stress your abilities to lead others, to hold your team accountable for policy and procedure. You'll want to emphasize your ability to make smart clinical decisions quickly, how you are...
Sometimes "panel interview" just means the manager pulls in some of the other employees (so they can feel you our as a potential coworker!). Sometimes a couple managers get together because we're both...
I was blessed that my employer told me, apply for unemployment, we will not fight it. Just get better. And they were true to their word. Not bragging about it, but I didn't realize that isn't usually...
Can someone explain this one to me? Maybe it's dialysis 101 but I honestly don't remember. The details probably don't matter but the patient had no reason to run yellow amp. (Good AVF, long run, 14g,...
First, let me say, I LOVE that our subforum is really active lately! I am so passionate about dialysis and networking ideas with fellow nephrology peeps. So.....recently I had a conversation with a...
This is a great conversation. Not sure either if it "prevents" clotting, but it gives me a chance to clear the drip chambers so I can see what's going on with them. If they are getting thicker, with...
I've used a continuous infusion to prevent clotting before too. I've seen it hooked to both arterial or venous lines. I prefer hooking to the venous line, bc I figure art line clotting is less likely...
I never want to feel again, what you feel now. It may be the scariest, worst moment of your life but I promise it will produce love, happiness and success beyond what you can dream today. Stop being...
Especially as the charge nurse earlier that day rolled her eyes and sighed "ohhhh that patient"....and then went on to come at you like that. Plus you said you and your preceptor were floats to that...