

NICU- now learning OR!

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About justjenny

justjenny specializes in NICU- now learning OR!.

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  1. Terrified in the OR

    i have to disagree with you. simply being human means there is no guarantee of being error free. the issue is more legal and ethical than anything. even with a pharmacology class, that doesn't mean...
  2. makes you think

    During a family trip to Disneyland I saw a similar child at the table next to us during dinner. I was "fixated" on that child and all I could think was how many of the babies that I care for will...
  3. What Do you Like and Dislike About the NICU??

    I worked in the NICU right out of nursing school. It was the most rewarding job I have ever had in my life. I often felt proud when I left for the day, HOWEVER, it was also the HARDEST job that I...
  4. Surgery hats are KILLING my hair!

    I use cloth hats. For now the circulators can wear them. Anyone scrubbed must wear a disposable elastic one over it. Some sites: http://www.greenscrubs.com http://www.blueskyscrubs.com (pricey) HTH...
  5. What exactly does "First Assist" mean?

    What I think you should know (and feel comfortable about) is that most First Assists are privately hired (at least at our hospital) which means they work with that surgeon day in and day out (which...
  6. "No self- respecting nurse"

    I have to think too...because I came from an ICU situation...and compared to THAT job - I barely feel like a nurse anymore (ducking from flying objects!) :chair: We didn't have assistants where I...
  7. Terrified in the OR

    I personally don't feel comfortable in that situation. My first response would have been to call for either (1) another CRNA to the room or (2) another MDA I do not care that the MDA was instructing...
  8. Revising Our Periop Countpolicy

    Trying to remember specifics to try and help.... (1) the ST is always responsible for an "inventory count" upon starting and finishing a case - even when a full instrument count is not required. (2)...
  9. My first contamination (I feel bad) LONG

    Just the other day, While circulating a total knee, the PA on the case looked at how much saline was left in the lavage bag and without thinking reached out and touched it! I called her on it and...
  10. Disinfecting cuffs?

    Same for us. CPD cleans them. they don't get gross because they are fully covered with the 1000/1010 or 1015 drapes
  11. Placement of nerve monitoring electrodes

    anytime a case is boarded with nerve monitoring the hospital contracts an outside company to come in and apply the electrodes and they also monitor the screen, etc. and communicate with the surgeon. I...
  12. Hello! Just wondering what types of things/equipment is used to position patients safetly when they will be in extreme positions. Example: today I circulated colo-rectal cases....pt will be in extreme...
  13. prepping solutions

    There are different types of chloraprep. The most common is tinted orange, but there is a clear and also a blue tinted one. The clear makes it too hard to see where you have prepped and the blue...
  14. Advice from circulating nurses...

    I would recommend observing in the OR for at least one day. Sometimes this is possible while still in school - talk with an instructor. There is at least one textbook that is very helpful - but I...
  15. Anesthesia incident on OR Nursing Record?

    It is part of our keystone briefing to have the circulator verify what ABX are given and when...not only is it a safety check, but it is now a reimbursement issue...if meds are not documented within...