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All Content by blue4thebeach

  1. OP,You must be at County! I just graduated in December. While the clinical program IS difficult to manage, it teaches you time management, prioritization and how to be a floor nurse. County grads are...
  2. Los Angeles County School of Nursing

    Mugalex - So bummed to hear that you won't be with us this semester, but very glad that they are re-reviewing you for the fall. I will keep my fingers crossed for you!!!! Good luck! Xairamx - which...
  3. Los Angeles County School of Nursing

    Hey Mugalex... Did you get a chance to call? Anything? Keeping my fingers crossed for you. Hoping to see you in a week... or next semester if
  4. Los Angeles County School of Nursing

    Mugalex - have you heard anything?! I'm really hoping for good news from
  5. Los Angeles County School of Nursing

    Hi Iliana, I think it depends on how many people are in the "borderline" section. They had over 400 applicants with 190 that were qualified. They were only accept a total of 50 people (40 at County...
  6. Los Angeles County School of Nursing

    Stay positive! I was at today's orientation. A couple of people were accepted at another college as well and were still trying to decide. Some due to financial aid differences between county and the...
  7. Los Angeles County Entrance Exam

    Hey Joanna, Any word on if you are accepted? I just got my letter over the weekend. Hoping to meet you at orientation!!
  8. Los Angeles County School of Nursing

    Have either of you called and just asked if anything was mailed to you or if you got in? With Ace getting his letter, maybe it's worth a shot to just ask. I called today to get parking info and Erica...
  9. Los Angeles County School of Nursing

    For those in the "first round" of acceptance letters, we had to notify them by today if we were going to register for classes. That means that by today, they will know if they have any extra spots...
  10. Los Angeles County School of Nursing

    Woohoo!!! I'm in! I will be doing clinical at Olive View. Hope to see you all in January.
  11. Los Angeles County School of Nursing

    Hi Iliana - Lots of hugs here!!! Call the school office and ask which ones are "approved" for you to take. You might even attend another info session and ask the question there (that's where I got...
  12. Los Angeles County School of Nursing

    Hi Iliana, Thank you for the update. So sorry that it's slightly above your points. Don't despair though. Often times they will lower the cut off closer to the start date as others decline the...
  13. Diet Sodas - bane of my existance

    I went cold turkey almost 2 months ago and have very little temptation. I started by cutting out the sodas and drinking regular Snapple tea (with sugar instead of sweetener). More than likely it's...
  14. Los Angeles County School of Nursing

    Hi Iliana - Congrats on you pre-entrance results! I knew you were good to go! Maybe it's a good sign that Maria called to ask for your HS transcript. I would take it as a good sign. Anyone else get...
  15. Los Angeles County School of Nursing

    I got so excited that I forgot to congratulate you!!! Congrats Lalollys!!! Hope to see you in January! Which clinical site did you get? I'll either go to LA or to Olive View. Won't know until I...
  16. Los Angeles County School of Nursing

    Lalollys - Really?! Your letter arrived already?! Ugh - I'm at work!!! I'm going to rush home asap to get my mail. Hope it's in
  17. Los Angeles County School of Nursing

    Hoping I get my letter by Thursday! So much to get done! Landesmummy- do you know the cutoff? If so, are you able to say? Good luck
  18. Los Angeles County School of Nursing

    Ok ladies! Sounds like County was working on finishing letters today or Monday. I heard that we should start watching mailboxes towards the end of next week. Good
  19. Studying...neck & back aches....

    I also purchased a bookstand. For my note-taking, I invested in an inexpensive clipboard that I can place at almost any angle (often in my lap or on the table). This helped with the space issue on...
  20. Los Angeles County School of Nursing

    LOL... I'm right there with you Mugalex - on ALL counts! Yes, technically speaking, they should be sending out letters starting tomorrow. However, I have a feeling that they are going out late. I...
  21. Los Angeles County School of Nursing

    Ili - I haven't even started looking for student loans yet. I'm worried that I won't be able to get federal because I've made decent money this year. Hopefully I can get the money from the loans in...
  22. Los Angeles County School of Nursing

    Don't worry. I'm sure you passed. Just think, in 3-4 weeks we'll know if we got in. I'm hoping I find out in time to announce the news when I visit friends in Texas before the holidays. It would also...
  23. Los Angeles County School of Nursing

    Hi Iliana! Glad to hear I'm not the only one still stressing. As a heads up, my exam results arrive around 6 weeks after the test, so don't stress too much. I think I found out online when others...
  24. Los Angeles County School of Nursing

    Hey ladies! I'm going crazy waiting! Most of my traveling landed in October, so now I just have to sit & wait. I do more traveling in December and am hoping my letter arrives the day I leave to...
  25. Notes from the First Year of RN school

    I'm hoping to attend the same school starting January 2010. Thank you for your post - it really made my day today to see how tough, yet very rewarding NS will be for me. I hope to have some of the...