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About mytoon38

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  1. Anyone else see this?

    I live in Phoenix and work at one of the local hospitals. I make base pay of a little over $34.00 and hour plus night shift and W/E diffs. I have been a nurse a LONG time
  2. Is this professional?

    Honestly, I don't understand why you are that concerned about what she wears! If she likes wearing them and it isn't hurting anyone, it is her business. There are probably things you wear that she...
  3. Chancellor's learning system

    My advice is...DO NOT waste your money on Chancellor's, Rue or any of those other programs. I met a lot of people that spent thousands of dollars on those programs and some got ripped off by these...
  4. Need some help translating!

    Hi Areawoman, Many, many years ago when I went to nursing school, we had to take a medical terminology course before we ever made it to our clinicals. Even after taking that course, there were tons...
  5. Tired of being FAT and having low self esteem

    Hi NurseLoveJoy88, I know just how you feel. I have tried every diet in the world and none of the ever worked long term. I went on Medifast for awhile and lost about 40 lbs, but as soon as I started...
  6. Psych Nurse Tampa Florida (Veterans Affairs)

    Hi 2Tall, Sorry, I don't know anything about Tampa VA. I am a Psych RN at the Phoenix VAMC, and I love it! Our benefits are great, our staffing is wonderful compared to private hospitals and they are...
  7. Have you ever...

    Yes, I had a pt many years ago like that. I was a young nurse in my early 20's, and I thought he was really old at the time, he was 42. (Now I would think he was so young!) Anyway, his name was Jack...
  8. Well, I know it is not the South and it is still pretty close to you, but have you thought about AZ? I live outside of Phoenix, so the weather is warm or should I say HOT most of the time. The pay is...
  9. Alert but confused

    Thanks to all of you for replying! I have never had anyone question me because I charted alert but confused before. Apparently it was reviewed by one of our nurse educators and she didn't like that I...
  10. Alert but confused

    I recently charted that a patient was alert, but confused and oriented x 1 to name only. I was told by one of the big wig nurse educators at our hospital that a pt. couldn't be ALERT and CONFUSED, and...
  11. Veteran's Admin Travel Nurse

    I work at the VAMC as a staff nurse. We have had several VA travelers there and I think they all liked traveling with the VA. I think some of the pros are that you have a lot of flexibility and you...
  12. I would have followed my dreams and become a
  13. Excelsior RN to BSN or MSN

    Hi Melody, I too am an AAS Excelsior graduate (2005) and I want to pursue my BSN. Please let me know whatever you can about the BSN program. I got information from them, but so many things are...
  14. Mental health days...

    I agree...take the day need it! Emotional distress IS a valid reason to call in! You need the time off to take care of yourself and deal with this emotional blow you just received. You won't...
  15. Unlicensed Psych tech supervisor over R.N.???

    Well yes and no. They don't have authority to say what meds a pt. needs or gets, but they do make decisions in regards to admissions being accepted to our facility and how to handle agitated patients....