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All Content by SWM2009

  1. FLAME ON!

    Any post that begins with "am I the only one.....?". Yep, of course you are the only one in a community of over 800 000 worldwide.
  2. why do nurses need to be licensed?

    Ok, you win the internet today
  3. Coworker tried converting me on my break

    LOL. Thanks for cracking me up.
  4. Why are we in LPN school?

    Minimum wage in Alabama is $7.25 per google. Working 40 hours a week would not even net you 20,000 a year at that rate. Does that put the $35,000 in perspective? Plus with shift differentials and overtime, I bet it is possible to make more than that ...
  5. Length of employment

    Just passed the 1 year mark a few days ago.
  6. I'm an LPN and I understand.

    I have to say it was refreshing to read OP's post as a LPN. IMO, its too bad the usual education debate has reared up in here. Oh well, this is how these types of threads always seem to go on AN.
  7. I'm an LPN and I understand.

    I never had any notion that my LPN education would pave the way for me to work in acute care. None of my classmates did actually. Most of us are now in LTC, some in home health, some in MD offices or clinics. Some of us plan to further our education,...
  8. I'm an LPN and I understand.

    Around and around we go, again.
  9. The B word. Again!

    I used to live in New Hampshire and I miss living there every so often. I'm not missing it much this winter though. You guys have been slammed by mother nature something else.
  10. Help? I regret this career choice?

    Have you worked as a nurse?
  11. Failing nursing school!!!

    Re the LVN/LPN route, you will be doing NCLEX type questions there too.
  12. Odd cystic fibrosis question

    What is your rationale that cystic fibrosis patients need a low fat diet?
  13. Pain Seekers

    The only behavior you can change is your own. Stop taking it personally, give the ordered pain med if it is safe to do and move on.
  14. All the time and I don't feel an ounce of guilt over it.
  15. Will LPN's be around for long?

    Good grief...tell us how you really feel about LPNs why don't you. I will say no more because what I want to say in response to this post will likely get me banned.
  16. Any Tips for New LVN Student?

    This was the one piece of advice I wish someone had given me when I first started LPN school. Once I started doing NCLEX practice questions on the material we were studying in class, my test scores improved significantly.
  17. I think you need to check your fact because it is not universally true that LPNs aren't respected by RNs. I get plenty of respect from my RN co-workers except the one I mentioned above. In my facility, all nurses, LPNs or RN, interact with physicians...
  18. Those of us who do LPN before RN certainly have a different perspective, don't we. I am about to start my RN program and I suspect I will be RME at some of the stuff that is taught about LPNs. I have a co-worker who is a BSN RN who struggles with res...
  19. NCLEX PN.... Need some help..

    Invest in NCLEX PN books especially because you are RN trained and trying to take the PN exam.

    Ward is still used internationally. I have had personal experience with a nurse trying to evangelize to me while my husband was in the ICU . I was upset, and rightly so, because I never asked nor wanted the religious information this nurse was pedall...
  21. Plus putting in identifying information...how many other students have a dietetics background at that school? If the professor is on AN, she/he will likely know who posted their email word for word and deemed it unprofessional.
  22. Why am I starting out making 19 an hour?

    The laws of supply and demand are at work.
  23. Failed NCLEX more than once? Do this.

    This is great advice for all NCLEX takers. This post should be made into a sticky post, IMO.
  24. What is the draw to nursing these days

    For me it was the opportunity to double my non-nursing wages in just 18 months of part time schooling (LPN). At almost a year in, I am doing alright, in fact, I like my job most of the time.
  25. Passed nclex pn with 205 motivational story
