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All Content by SWM2009

  1. Liking members at AN

  2. You will all probably hate me for this

    See I read that same post and I did not find it to be condescending.
  3. You will all probably hate me for this

    This has been my experience too. I wonder if AN is the first message board experience for some of those complaining about rudeness etc.
  4. Copying MARs

    I assume you have informed your DON/ADON/manager. How have they said you should handle this? I think they are the ones who should be dealing with this IMO.
  5. indefinite suspension because of med error

    At my facility, a BS less than 70 is cause for concern. However, there are a couple of residents who I would be watching closely if BS was 80 or so because I know how quickly that number can drop. That said, I think the OP's boss needs a pharmacolog...
  6. This week, I have learned... (5/30/15)

    I learned what the hype about Alegria shoes is all about. I've been wearing the Kayla shoe and I feel like I am walking on pillows. My feet are so comfy and bye bye lower back and knee pain.
  7. 3-4 week wait for ATT?

    Just a guess but it could be because a lot of students graduate this time of year and it may take longer to issue the ATT.
  8. Dried blood

    OP is a practicing nurse, right? Some of the statements she/he are making make me wonder what exactly was taught at their school.
  9. Liking members at AN

    I like too many posters to list by name and this community has been a godsend to me in my journey to becoming a nurse. I found AN long before I actually went to nursing school and I am so glad I did. I have learned so much. I have only ever blocked o...
  10. Well, Isn't This Special

  11. Death of a Dream

    If I were in your shoes, I think my priority would be finding a way to utilize my LPN license to bring in some extra income especially now with your husband's hours being reduced so much. Nursing school for RN would take a back seat. You are still ve...
  12. Is anything at your work that puzzles you

    Why when I offer a to help a co-worker because she is overwhelmed with an admission, a fall, and the regular med pass, she snipes back at me that she does not need any help. Then she proceeds to complain to the DON that I was questioning her ability ...
  13. NCLEX Before Graduation

    It will depend on when your school submits the required paperwork to the BON. You need to check with them.
  14. What should I do?

    Do not take the LTC job. IMO, with your attitude towards LTC, it is best that you don't. Hold out for the hospital job.
  15. Esme Needs Your Prayers

  16. Nurses forced to work as aides

    I worked as a CNA for years. When I can at my present job, I will answer call lights, assist residents to the bathroom, do bed baths, clean incontinent residents, etc. That said, I really appreciate that my facility does not require nurses to work as...
  17. Three year LPN with no experience

    There is always a period of adjustment with every new job even as an experienced nurse. Try not to worry about what your new coworkers are saying behind your back. Do your job to the best of your ability, ask for help from your DON/manager and push o...
  18. I graduated!

    Congratulations to you :)
  19. Help!!!!!!!!

    One tip - when you do your practice questions make sure you read the rationales for ALL the questions, even the ones you get right. Good luck to you on Monday.
  20. Indeed I do. I have read plenty of posts here about what it is like at other LTCs to realize I am lucky to work where I do.
  21. I work in a LTC facility. I get to take a 30 minute lunch break most of the time. Once or twice a month stuff may hit the fan during lunch and I end up missing it, but most of the time I can sit down and eat a proper lunch. Also, the facility provide...
  22. I need opinions on med error issue

    If it were me I would just let it go. I don't see any good coming out of confronting that administrator at this point. Leave it all behind and embrace your new job.
  23. Support Kaci Hickox

    Have you read the whole thread? A lot of what I could say in response to your posts was said very eloquently in previous posts.
  24. Support Kaci Hickox

    "(a) The State Health Director and a local health director are empowered to exercise quarantine and isolation authority. Quarantine and isolation authority shall be exercised only when and so long as the public health is endangered, all other ...
  25. Did you try using the AllNurses search function? There is a quite a bit of research posted in the many many posts on the topic.