
trixie333 ASN

Emergency, critical care

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About trixie333

trixie333 has 51 years experience as a ASN and specializes in Emergency, critical care.

ER travel nurse

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  1. Criminal history and BON

    A Beautifully written letter and very reassuring. I'm certain it will help lots of
  2. It usually boils down to one person deciding to hire you. Have courage, the hardest part of life, there are many in your shoes already working and doing very well. Life isn't smooth, you may not...
  3. See NRSKaren reply here for more info: Question regarding criminal case - Licensure: Criminal History (
  4. Crafting your letter of explanation when asked for one:
  5. Very thin line. Need help

    I feel you have an excellent chance as long as you continue to maintain the most excellent reputation you can like you have done for the last 8 years. If you have too much anxiety about it, then...
  6. Misdemeanor Arrest - can I be hired?

    This is a big deal. Yes, you can still work. #1/ Pony up the $, you need a nurse-attorney to represent You->get one this coming week. the BON has their own lawyers who do Not represent you....
  7. "The problem, health leaders say, is twofold: Nurses are quitting or retiring, exhausted or demoralized by the crisis. And many are leaving for lucrative temporary jobs with traveling-nurse agencies...
  8. Very Alternative: but Fla. perfect for this A pathway to the health industry if you do not go for RN, whatever the reason: Continue ED. for business, thru MBA. Think of starting your own...
  9. An alternative pathway to consider: choose a field to complete a BS. Something like molecular biology or computer systems and info mgmt. or something else relevant to a skill...
  10. Hi Kevan, You have worked hard to get where you are. You have one more "class" to take, in my opinion. One or 2 nights soon, when you have some energy and won't fall asleep, sit with your...
  11. Time to get rid of care plans?

    In the real world, when you hit the floor cold and are expected to start running immediately, a good care plan is a Godsend. A good care plan addresses all the systems AND individualizes what nurses...
  12. A full physical would include a thyroid workup and psych assessment. Reread your own words on this thread: your agenda is so challenging even Superman would have a difficult time. Words of caution:...
  13. RN ADN

    It's time for you to define your life's journey. What kind of nursing do you really want? At the bedside? or at a desk? Is there another interest for you outside of nursing? I like the comment from...
  14. Hi MDBoy.... Read Londonflo's comment again on page 2. Don't change any of your plans right now. Consider a full physical exam to see if you are up to the challenges you propose for your...
  15. Preceptorship Predicament

    I would take a job at the larger hospital where you feel you would be a good fit. Getting off on the right foot, for you in surgery-short stay, is important. You also will have ample opportunity to...