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All Content by EMTI19

  1. Taking my boards on 2/8/05?????

    have confidence, think positively, and good luck!!!
  2. Responded to a call for a middle aged male who needs his staples removed. (and he needs an ambulance for this?) You always know the best ones are when the dispatcher pages out "call by phone for more information" It is usually something they can't ...
  3. More Strange Baby Names

    Worked with a nurse named Lucy and she swears that she once dated a Charlie Brown. :rotfl: In hs the band conductor was Bob Evans and in college the swim coach was Dave Thomas. No wonder I was always hungry :chuckle Work with Wayne _______ II. ...
  4. I am currently a first year nursing student and in my last class it was highly stressed that the only thing you could give with blood was NS. Yesterday I was working at the hospital as a CNA and heard an RN asking the other RN's about giving lasix t...
  5. Thank you for all the help. I don't have any answers about exactly what she was doing (giving 2 units, only had one line, etc...) I feel better about the discussion that I overheard. Maybe that bad feeling in my gut was about something else at the...
  6. What does your spouse do?

    Mental Health Counselor (not officially "spouse" yet, but close enough!)
  7. International Scholar Laureate Program??

    I got an invitation yesterday. I felt honored to be nominated and I feel it is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I would love to go, but unfortunately won't be able to due to the money and other classes here at home.
  8. I'm leaving this forum....

    Congratulations and good luck!!!!
  9. I'm leaving this forum....

    Congratulations and good luck!!!!
  10. I just recently had a question on an exam that went something like this: A nurse initiating IV therapy or changing an IV bag is most likely to cause: A. infiltration B. air embolism C. phlebitis D. thrombophlebitis All I could think when I read this ...
  11. I just recently had a question on an exam that went something like this: A nurse initiating IV therapy or changing an IV bag is most likely to cause: A. infiltration B. air embolism C. phlebitis D. thrombophlebitis All I could think when I read this ...
  12. ER nurses compared to EMT's

    "I'm not sure where you work but, in our ER the nurses and those that bring the patients in (paramedics and EMTs) are very different. I would say that the prehospital care is very important, however many times I have had to go back and correct mistak...
  13. IV Site Prep

    "When prepping the client's skin for venipuncture, cleanse the skin with betadine and wait for it to dry. Do not apply alcohol after the skin has been prepped with betadine. If these substances are combined, they form a toxic material that may be a...
  14. Med Errors

    Caught a med mistranscribed onto the MAR at my last clinical. Doctor's hand-written order was for 20 mcg (with decent legible handwriting) and the MAR listed 20 mg. Lesson learned in clinical: ALWAYS check the MAR against the written orders.... not...
  15. Nurses who let NAs Boss them around

    OMG I can't believe some of the posts that I have just read on this thread. I am sorry that some of you have to work with people like that. I work as a part time CNA on the medical floor of a small hospital and I would NEVER say no to a nurses req...
  16. boyfriends biopsy

    Hi all. My boyfriend is having surgery today. We found a lump in his thigh last Tues. He has been very sick (temp. of 102+ every night, vomiting, weakness, fatigue, weight loss 30+lbs) since October. No one has been able to diagnose anything. Be...
  17. boyfriends biopsy

    Hello all, Sorry I have not posted in a long time. I just checked back and realized how much I love reading all of the threads. Nursing school is going great. Only one more week of the semester! I barely missed an A in Fundamentals 1 and will get...
  18. Tests and Cheating Classmates

    Recently my college handed out a memo that from now on all students must take the same exam format that the teacher hands out (computer or written). A student in my class told my sister-in-law (also in my class) that the person who is getting 100% a...
  19. boyfriends biopsy

    Hello everyone. Things have been kind of hectic lately. We moved into a new house and Matt finished his last round of chemo. We also got a new kitty that we named Rio. On the 18th we went back to Iowa City for another CT and the doctor said that ...
  20. Terms we will not admit to using

    LOL - little old lady FLB - when you are having a hard time interpreting the cardiac monitor - funny little beat FF - frequent flyer
  21. I work 24 on and 48 off. In EMS you never know how much sleep you are going to get. I work 6a to 6a and am not allowed to have "down time" until 5pm. There are plenty of things to keep us busy at the station for 11hrs. But, there are days when we...
  22. boyfriends biopsy

    I haven't posted in what feels like a long time. While reading back through all of your replies, tears came to my eyes. It is so comforting knowing all of you are praying. I haven't realized what a long ordeal this has been, almost 6 months now. ...
  23. boyfriends biopsy

    He came home on the 7th. and went back to have all 60 staples removed on the 17th. The official diagnosis is synovial sarcoma. He has to go back tomorrow to see an oncologist about possible radiation treatments. He is walking without any assistanc...
  24. boyfriends biopsy

    The surgery went smoothly with no complications. The tumor was 6 lbs! Dr. said it was clearly defined and is sure that it is all out. Now we have to wait on the pathologists again. But now we can start working on gettting better. He is still at ...
  25. Question about wages?

    I work for an ambulance service that recently hired a new director. We used to work an 18 hr shift and then a 24 hr shift for a total of 42 hrs/week. The new director changed the schedule to 2 24 hr shifts for a total of 48hrs/week. We were all lo...