Question about wages?

Nurses General Nursing


I work for an ambulance service that recently hired a new director. We used to work an 18 hr shift and then a 24 hr shift for a total of 42 hrs/week. The new director changed the schedule to 2 24 hr shifts for a total of 48hrs/week. We were all looking forward to the change, especially the extra overtime. Then when the 1st paycheck came after working the new schedule we were all appalled to find out that the new director cut all of our hourly wages!:( Mine was cut by almost $2/hr and others were cut more than that. Now we are working 6 more hrs a week more than before and not making any more money and in some cases less money than before.

Does anyone know if this is legal?

Where can I look up Illinois labor laws?

Thank you in advance for any information.

BTW, I immediately went searching for a new job!

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

Pay cuts are legal. But how unethical not to be notified. Now that may be against the law. Let us know what you find out. Good luck. I would be furious.



Along with several hundred other sources.

From what you have written that seems unfair and illegal, but then I'm in SC and you are Ill. We're used to getting skewed by labor here.

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