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  1. I need help writing my nursing diagnosis statement

    ok thanks! that's what I thought, I stated it... potential volume deficit related to elevated BUN and creatinine levels...I think... I had to turn the paper in this morning soo...I suppose I will see when I get it back on Tuesday.
  2. I need help writing my nursing diagnosis statement

    thanks! we have to use NANDA diagnoses as well..which is what that is...I just hate not having my other assessment form graded before this one is due..oh and learn I suppose. now just have to work on the pathophysiology, which besides th...
  3. This is my 2nd day of clinicals and had a patient that was admitted with acute renal failure. I want to say my nursing diagnosis statement is "potential fluid volume deficit" because he still has elevated BUN and creatinine. My question is this......