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About Sheri257

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  1. Owning a home in California

    I'd wait a couple of years and see how low prices go because I don't think we're anywhere near the bottom of this market yet. It's only going to get worse before it gets better ... which is great news...
  2. A few more questions before moving to Texas.

    The insurance companies would probably disagree with you. Look at NSO's rates and coverage for Texas. The premiums cost more and they'll only insure you for $100,000 per incident...
  3. A few more questions before moving to Texas.

    Yes people are free to move around in theory but ... it's not always that simple. Luckily I live in California where nurses are generally treated very well but, if that wasn't the case, I'd have a...
  4. Nursing Union questions

    1. What do you find are some of the benefits of being in a union? Job protection, higher wages. I make $43 an hour, which goes up to $48 an hour in three years. 2. Do you feel like it is easier, when...
  5. Group One background checks in Texas

    Currently, Group One says they have 350 member hospitals so ... Unless there's 350 hospitals in Dallas, seems to me that they've already expanded to other areas. Just
  6. Group One background checks in Texas

    I see your point but, it's pretty outrageous that the burden is put on YOU to fight this ... especially in situations where you did nothing wrong in the first place. It easily creates a situation...
  7. I think it's a combination of factors. When the ratio law took effect a couple of years ago where patient loads were limited by law (Cali is the only state that has a ratio law) .... lots of nurses...
  8. Anything good about working in Texas?

    Well ... obviously you guys haven't been out here for awhile because the market has completely changed. Just do a google search on California real estate. I can guarantee you that nothing priced at...
  9. Anything good about working in Texas?

    C'mon ... could you at least quote some data before you make such outrageous statements? $800K for a shack? The average price for a California house, right now ... statewide ... is $430K. So...
  10. I bummed my interview...just wanna vent!

    I'm seeing this comment a lot. No wonder you California nurses make so much money ... you HAVE to pay $700-800K for a SHACK!!!! I guess this is how people make themselves feel better about not making...
  11. Why are RNs scared of Fighting the Hospital Admin?

    Apparently, that's not the norm. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Texas nurses make $26-$27 an hour on average. I'm sure there are some...
  12. Any nurses here date the officers?

    There definitely are married nurses having affairs with married CO's in my institution. It's one big soap opera. I really don't care what they do but, when they're wasting time flirting with their...
  13. What to do?? IM won't come out of the hole!

    Based on the above information, this inmate is not demonstrating suicidal behavior. You're basically letting the inmate manipulate the situation and, when you allow manipulation, it will never end. So...
  14. What to do?? IM won't come out of the hole!

    In my facility, the psych doctors are pretty good about not letting the inmates manipulate with suicide threats. We get suicide threats all the time ... when it's obvious that the inmate is not...
  15. Inmates and lawsuits!

    I haven't been sued yet personally but, I'm sure it's going to happen because we do get sued a lot in California. We're actually under federal court receivership. Why are the inmates successful with...