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All Content by LucyRose

  1. A&P1 - Coloring Book / Flashcards or both?

    I found the coloring book to be very useful. As for the cards, I have them but didn't use them much. I just ended up copying the photos and diagrams out of my A&P book and made my own cards. By the time I was done making them, I had memorized ...
  2. The evil reign of PowerPoint Lectures

    I have nothing useful to add but I do need to say thank you all!!!! I thought I was the only one. I'm so sick of being read to. Especially by instructors who don't read well!!!!
  3. thinking of withdrawing fundamentals 2nd semester

    The average age on my nursing program is 35. We have students age 20 - 58. So no, you are not too old. Have you scheduled a private meeting? You could ask her to lay out EXACTLY what she is expecting from you and EXACTLY where she believes you ar...
  4. Those nursing students that just don't seem to "get it"

    Yeah... I don't know about being part of a "team" in nursing school. I have a similar situation going on in my rotation. I didn't get to see my patient for the last 3 hours yesterday and didn't get into to see my patient for nearly 2 hours this mo...
  5. Students not working while going to school....

    I am married with 3 small children. I worked part-time during the first 2.5 years, but once the "real nursing" classes began, I quit. I know people say it can be done, but I don't think everyone can do it. I knew that I would have to sacrifice som...
  6. Need your help - trying to change school policy

    ADN program in Massachusetts. You need a 73 to pass and as a student, I think that is way too low. I know the 'C' students and I wouldn't want to be lying in a hospital bed and see them walk in as my primary nurse... I hope that doesn't sound too cru...