I'm not sure what the rationale was the first Doc was using. It's not unheard of to have supratherapeutic INR and a thrombus, since the the thrombus could have formed when the INR was lower and...
We have a similar rule where I work but it doesn't group a dreads into the same category. Our policy allow's dreads that occur naturally, such as with AA employees. The issue is with those whose...
Where would you consider it appropriate to draw the line? Do all standards of care need to be charted on specifically? Pt specific standards of care only? Interventions only? How do we define an...
That's extremely unsafe, we can't all be as spoiled as Cali nurses but that's excessive. Normal tele units should not be higher than 1:6, your description of your floors falls somewhere within a...
Being a floor nurse myself, I believe floor nurses should have the final say in how they chart since it's their practice and their license. My personal preference is to only chart what others need to...
Wouldn't every patient have the call light within reach? If so, why chart that was done for some patients but not others. What happens when a patient falls that you didn't see coming and chart...
At my facility, we are going to be changing our charting system to one that will be truly "by exception" and I foresee some friction from some staff. We currently use an EHR that is essentially "by...
In our system, we don't consider an IV insertion site or CT insertion site a wound because we chart on the condition of the insertion sites under the assessment of the IV or chest tube. Once a CT is...
We check CBC's on day 3 of DVT prophylaxis heparin therapy and every 3rd day after that if they don't already have CBC's ordered. I've been told the reason why we don't monitor PTT's on these...
Diagnosing and treating is not outside the scope of practice of an RN, in fact it's the bulk of what we do. The procedures you describe are are not by definition outside the scope of an RN, but they...
HamsterRN replied to Nascar nurse's topic in General Nursing
So they drew blood first and then did the U/S but the blood draw didn't include a d-dimer? That does sound like bad form if they were concerned enough to do the U/S but didn't think to run a d-dimer...
While it is true there are no RCT's involving the injection of glass particulates in humans for the final confirmation of a risk, there are also no RCT's that compare jumping out of a plane with a...
As much as we all hate them, there are a few reasons why glass ampules still exist. The primary reason is that some medications just cannot be stored in any type of plastic. NTG for instance is...