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  1. Fired-need advice/opinions

    I would most definitely contact an attorney or the EEOC since you may have a claim against this employer. Under the ADA, an employer must provide "reasonable accommodation" to an employee with a...
  2. I think that, in some cases, the perpetrators have become so clever that it might prove difficult for even the most trained professional to recognize sexual abuse. We have a recent case in our county...
  3. License Surrender

    Frank, I am so sorry to read about your troubles and I agree with the other posters that you need legal counsel. As a matter of fact, you have two separate legal issues; W/C injury and the board of...
  4. My Face Feels Big

    Hi Bipley ~ I can certainly empathize with you since I had the same thing last week. High fever, lungs that feel as though they are filled with fiberglass, gunky wheezing cough, aching all over (even...
  5. Please help me understand/Domestic Violence Question

    One reason that women stay in abusive relationships is fear. Many abusers threaten to kill their victims if they leave. Statistics have shown that during the first few weeks out of an abusive...
  6. Worst patient experience

    Thank you, everyone, for your kind words. Yes, it is every nurse's worst nightmare to have someone they love come in under tragic circumstances while they are at work. In retrospect, though, I have...
  7. Worst patient experience

    I work at a small ER in a rural community. One Saturday afternoon, last June, we heard the medics get toned out to a possible child drowning in a local lake. A Life Flight helicopter was also...
  8. Interesting Study...

    Great picture! For those who only see a box with the dreaded red X in it, this may help:
  9. Got any funny acronyms at your ER???

    RTT w/a BBB Ratta tat tat with a baseball
  10. This thread brings up an important issue. We really need a place on this site where nurses can go to share their grief and/or offer support to others who are grieving. Sometimes it is hard to just...
  11. Puuuuuuulese!!

    Our local pain clinic has had so many patients claim that their narcotics were "stolen" that they have instituted a new policy. Any patient presenting for a refill because of stolen meds must also...
  12. Reality Shock

    I began working in the ER shortly after graduation from nursing school over 17 years ago and have never regretted that decision. I would at least go for the interview and see what you think. Find...
  13. I suppose that if a patient asked me, "Are you saved?", I would have to reply with, "No, I'm spent." It would be a truthful answer on most days. Actually, I do have a button that says,...
  14. My achin' veins

    Yep, VV-sufferer here. I underwent that newer procedure, radiofrequency ablation, in 2003. At the time, my surgeon said it had a 80% success rate. Well, I was one of the 20%. Bummer. Not only did...
  15. Alcohol Withdrawl

    We use pretty much the same protocol that I have seen mentioned here. I remember back in the days when we had no such protocols. As a matter of fact, it seemed that MD's rarely screened for...