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About SerenaT

Nursing Faculty @ Community College

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  1. ? R/T PEG/PEJ Tubes

    If the PEG/PEJ is displaced where would it be displacwd to? The peritoneal cavity. Which, inturn, would still give you air sounds when you instill air to assess placement. Sorry that I am harping on this subject, but I really would like published/...
  2. PEG/PEJ placement

    I also heard (was told) that especially with the PEJ you could cause peristalisis to cease. Still lookiing for written documentation. Thanks to all for your input. SerenaT
  3. PEG/PEJ placement

    O.K. So then you are saying people at home always check for air before they do their own feeding? SerenaT
  4. ? R/T PEG/PEJ Tubes

    I posted a guestion in the Gastro forum R/T assessing proper placement of a PEG/PEJ. I may be crazy, but I always thought to check placement of a PEG/PEJ you measure external tube length, residual, and if you have any real concerns about placement y...
  5. PEG/PEJ placement

    Hi, I am not a GI nurse specialist, but was hoping to get some accurate info from nurses who specialize in Gastro. I am embarassed to ask this question, however it has been driving me crazy. Here it is... A PEG and/or PEJ tube is in place. How do ...
  6. Up Keep on Skills

    Since we are "educating" new nurses how do we/I keep up on current practices. I have been teaching a year now and feel like I am/or might be missing out on new nursing procedures or practices. I look on line for help, but I was wondering if there a...
  7. Nursing College in Germany?

    Hi! Have a student who cannot complete her nursing program here in the US because her spouse is military and is being stationed in Germany next year. Does anybody know of a good resource overseas for her so she could at least get prerequisites done ...
  8. So... just a basic MSN?

    Thanks for all the in-put. Still want to do whats best for my students (future nurses). Just don't know what to do. Love this forum though!!!! SerenaT
  9. So... just a basic MSN?

    With you Indie! Wish there was the best of both worlds. SerenaT
  10. So... just a basic MSN?

    I thought one could get a MSN specializing in an area (ie: nurse practioner, community health, forensic nursing, ect..). There is no such thing for educators? Thanks for all the advice, but I just thought there might be something out there for us wh...
  11. Looking to further my education in teaching. Have BSN and am currently teaching nursing at the community college level. Would like any input on good nursing programs that offer a degree or certificate in nursing education that address student educa...