Hi everyone. So I am a nursing student taking patient education and we were given the following scenario - Basically there is an 18 year old male who has HIV, he admits to the nurse that he is...
Dafreak, I do tend to ramble when I am emotional or feel strong about an issue...lol. It is hard to say exactly what you mean when typing. It is a lot easier through words. :) As for the last minute...
Hi everyone.....so right now I am a nursing student and i am not very happy with my school right now. A lot of students aren't. We pay so much money and the school is so disorganized, the teachers are...
If you don't mind me asking or if this isn't too personal, why were you dropped? I have never heard of any program doing that unless the student is below the GPA that they want and has failed more...
Hi everyone. I have a test this week. I received an A on my first test but a D on my second one. I am so scared I am not going to pass this class. For me, this class is the hardest one I have ever...
In my first clinical rotation, without any warning whatsoever, i was given a C.diff patient. I was also given patients with MRSA too. They had told us about standard precautions but had never...
Daytonite and TLC.....I just wanted to thank you both for caring and trying to help me. I really do appreciate it so much! Daytonite, you reminded me of a sheet I had on OREM from last semester. I am...
We did receive a handout for the nursing diagnosis which uses the issue of constipation to explain each one. So it says NANDA: constipation related to prolonged immobility as manifested by decreased...
I have looked all over the board about care plans and I find everything BUT the one thing I am looking for. It seems most care plans involve Maslow but mine does not, it involves OREM. I really have...
Thank you again! I honestly feel inducing her now is too soon (she said she just turned 40 weeks yesterday) but I don't know if the 40 week estimate is completely accurate. I think they are more of...
To TIAKAY ON PAGE 3: I totally agree hun! Being a full-time nursing student and a mom is a lot harder than people realize because you basically feel like your putting your kids last. It's a horrible...
I would love to be able to say "No wonder why people get such a bad impression of women and men call women ******* - the constant gossiping, talking behind each other's backs, getting mad when someone...
The nursing students in my school are unbelievably competitive. In fact, some of the girls actually get mad if you do better than them, it's insane. (I understand getting mad in some instances but...